Last Friday lepas balik keje I was contemplating what to cook for dinner when suddenly out of the blue..
“Yang, biar abg masakla harini!”
Wah, what a pleasant surprise! Not only that, he also insisted I shouldn’t help and should just rest! And so mak buyong pun bersenang lenang dpn tv while Daddy bertungkus lumus memasak didapur.
“Yang, biar abg masakla harini!”
Wah, what a pleasant surprise! Not only that, he also insisted I shouldn’t help and should just rest! And so mak buyong pun bersenang lenang dpn tv while Daddy bertungkus lumus memasak didapur.
My husband ni kalau masak mmg kemas la dapur tu. Selalu I dgr org komplen laki diorg kalau masak habisla dapur mcm tongkang pecah. But dia ni tak, terbalik pulak. I masak semak, dia masak clean jer..ala-ala Jamie Oliver punya kitchen la..hehe.
So menunya :
Teringat lak zaman bercinta study kat UK dulu. At my rented house we take turns to cook but only 4 days a week (sbb 4 org share 1 rumah). So the rest of the week tu I selalu kebuluran. So kadang2 cik abg ni bwkla lauk yg dia masak (if it’s his turn to cook at his house) to the it centre, tmpt kitorg dating study to feed girlfren yg kebuluran itew…huhu..
Berbalik pada citer Naked Chef Jamie Oliver tadi, nilah hasilnya;