Last night poor Adam caught fever and couldn’t sleep most of the night. We gave him fever medicine and in the morning he was much better. After his morning nap, we went to the Health center to get me registered. Adam would be registered later at a clinic nearest to our future residential area.
Afterwards we went to get lunch and while eating we received a call from F, asking if we’d like to join him house hunting. He has engaged with an agent in the area that we want and they’ve shown him 4 apartments, all looking very nice. So off we went to meet him, and the agent showed us the apartment that F wanted to book. It’s in the same building as our Thursday appointment. It’s a portered apartment with lift. The apartment was fantastic and we told him to book it immediately. The agent said she has another similar property just around the corner for us to look at. F terus book his apartment, while the agent showed us the other one.
Oh my God! It was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!
Upon entering the building I already have goosebumps because from the outside it looks as good as a five star hotel. The reception area was modern and smart. And when we got into the apartment….
I mean…who in their right mind would say no to that???
The pics doesn’t do it justice, it’s even more beautiful than that. We don’t even feel the need to compare with other apartments. We both fell in love with it and afterwards we immediately booked the apartment. Alhamdulillah!
The agent said the contract processing would take some time so we can only move in next week Wednesday. We told her we’re very keen to move in as soon as possible. The landlord is American so the agency will take care of the rents and so on.
Adam’s fever came back and he started to develop cough too. We took him home and gave him his medicines. kesian Adam...luckily our house hunting is over now so Adam can rest...
omg!!! congrats jumpe ur dream house! hell yeah, u would be insane kalo tak suke rumah ni okeh?? P.E.R.F.E.C.T! ni kat warwick ke?
tak sabarnyee nak gii :P
WAHHH's like living everyday in a 5 star hotel.
psstt psst..ade guest room lar, kami nk dtg menyibuk bleh?
i'm soOoOoOo jeles! wah wah wah
aida & lovely family,
congrates! sgt best .. happy for ya!
Aida.. bestnyer rumah tu.. nmpak cosy sgt
gile exclusivo rumah korg aida..leh la aku datang nnt ek..tarikh belum ditentukan lagi..bersedia je lah ye ;p
super niceeeee!
kalau lah ada apartment begini di malaysia
sangat suka
tahniah!dapat umahcantik sangattt1!
tahniah last berkenan juga.
eee...cantik sungguh.
take care.
wow, apartment ni lebih dari menarik aida :) I LOIKE IT!!!..hehe, rite choice...selesa sket nak menginap 3 thn nih...selesa taufik blaja,hehe..esok2 ko pulak sambng phd aida..dulu2 ade gak bdk smapk yg study kat IC tuh, diana syafiza kot???...
aida. syoknye..
dah move in nanti ambik gambar lagi okay?
hi there, i'm looking for apartment to rent in london as well and thought that your apartment is very2 nice.....can i know how much is the rent please?
im thrilled and over excited!! ceh aku plak yg lebih2 ..tapi mmg sangat best..
its more than perfect and way better than i've imagine..
nak datang!
Fantabulous! You must be feeling so lega now that the accommodation is sorted. Hopefully you get to move in even quicker than Wednesday. Get well soon Adam.Mwah, kesian dia. Vigorous Calpol and some vitamins!!!
aida!! it was perfect! mmg mcm stay kat hotel je..wah,guest room pon ade.bolela kami dtg menyibuk.. huhu! tp lambat lagila..cian dadam.maybe sbb whether kot..budak kecik mane tahan sejuk2 sgt.keep him warm always ok..tak sabar nak tgg ko pindah ;)
Hi Aida,
Oh! Wonder if you still remember me...we met at the 1st KL babywearing gathering and i have a son who's 13 months old now....we took picture together there..
anyway, it's just too late to find out that you have moved to UK! I was going to purchase your buckle tai! oh no.....
it's nice to get such a lovely place to live!!! envy you! how's Adam? hopefully he's getting well soon.
ok, i wish you ALL THE BEST in London, and please please please, let me know if you have started to make more buckle tai, i desperately want to buy it, ok? ha.....
best wishes,
wee chen
wah...cantiknya! mcm kat dlm tv! kat sana their defintion of fully furnished means termasuk all those bantal & bedsheet semua eh? mcm duduk kat hotel! do u hv housekeeping service as well for the apmnt? (lol..silly q!:P )
somehwere near warwick avenue..
maybe your turn soon :)
thank you dear!
cozy kan?tak sabar nak move in!
chewah..bila tu?
alhamdulillah..lega dah jumpa!
a'ah...dulu d'an study kat ic..penah tido room dia dulu..
insyaAllah! will definitely take more pics of the flat!
which area are u looking at? email me at
fizah, sila2..
calpol=paracetemol, yes? i'm giving him some that ok?
chun, the flat!dtgla!
wee chen,
of course i remember you! i was hoping to see you again but unfortunately we couldnt come to the last gathering before we fly to uk. i'm not sure if i can sell buckle tai from here because it will be too expensive with the exchange rate and shipping cost. but i'll let you know if it's possible ok..
aishah, thank you!
depends on the lanlord..ada jugak yg fully funish but no tv...or no pots and pans..or no duvets/pillows etc..we just got really lucky with this flat! oh and i'm the housekeeping for this flat, i guess!hehe..
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