I didn't really think/plan much about post-natal pads..just bought some disposable ones. But right after I gave birth, and took my shower...immediately it struck me how much more comfortable it would've been if i had some cloth pads..because disposable pads are soooo uncomfortable after birth especially if you had stitches! They have these sticky wings..and then sticky2 melekat pulak to your sore skin...ouch! For normal period it's not so bad..but post-natal..eugh..that area is especially sensitive...
upon getting home from the hospital..i immediately bought some cloth pads..tapi just arrived today..lah lambat baru nak try kan...takpelah...feels so much better! can't comment on the performance yet though..tapi comel kan pads ni..hehe..looks very easy to sew actually...bolehla buat sendiri lak pasni..
here are some pics of Mia in more dresses...
Mia in her ruffle dress
Mia in her Itti Bitti dress
cepat je Mia dah tembam kan...muahs!
Itti Bitti dress tu looks menarik on Mia :)..
Aida, ni topik lain..
ko mesti byk infonye psl soft-structured carrier kan? I'm looking for 1 actually (dh boring dgn yg already ada, hehe)..tapi kalo kat M'sia, aku xbyk jmpala pulak @ kalo ko ada link2 yg boleh membantu pencarian aku nih!!
Still admire kat wrapsody purple kot tuh! :)
Dah try tgk http://snuggbaby.com/?
Sorry Aida, nyebuk jap.
My first thot bila nampak pic cloth pads tu..."wahh dia jahit sendiri?"
Then only I scroll baca u beli...but rasanya u pun sure boleh buat ni.
Nanti review cite best ke tak pakai cloth pads k? especially tang nak basuh tu. I'm interested lah nak tau and beli coz rasa mcm membazir je pakai disposable sometimes especially during the not-so-heavy- flow-but-too-heavy-to-wear-panty -liner kinda period.
Mia so cute!
olololo.. geramnye tgk pipi dia! muah byk² kat mia~
wah hari² eh mia pakai dress.. bestnye jadik mia.. selalu newborn baby asek pakai onesies je kan..
aida, akak dah nk deliver in 5 weeks insyaAllah.. kejap je masa berlalu kan.. u guess u have to buy a set for me. u bot online? kt mana yer.. kat m'sia tiny tapir ade jual, but manatau u nye best, nanti review ok!
ayu, kite beli SSC for rayyan kat littlepods.com, design carnival. masa tuh email direct owner dia.. mmg sangat2 berguna and comfort. even now pregnant and rayyan dah 9kg, bile pakai tuh rasa best je.. nanti ade masa kite upload kat blog..
mia is growing up so fast laaaa...aida dun forget to keep all the dresses ya,m sure ur next baby gurl pon nk those dresses....hihi...
Salam Aida ....
1st of all, I hope its not too late to say congrats for your new born baby girl, Alhamdulillah.
Mia, sungguh comel dan makin hari makin tembam. Geram I menengoknya. You fully breastfeed her ke ??
huhu aku kenal baju ko yg dokong mia masa ruffle dress. mummy pun kene buat baju baru la pas ni..haha
ok, i dont know how bad is the flow of post-natal period, tapi nampak pad tu mcm nipis. try ah and let us know the feedback.
cheers to M & A
pic mia yg 1st tu mcm dah ade rupe tofik lak sket. hehe..newborn mmg selalu berubah rupe die. tp comelllssss sgt kecik2 dah pakai gaun. dot, cloth pad ni kalo nak basuh senang tak? takut ade stain2 yg degil, jenuh lak nak memberus. heheh..review nanti tau!
Ur Mia is so adorable. So comel and bam bam.
whao, cepat nya mia besar! suka tgk adam jaga mia.. so brotherly~
ssc try tgk snuggbaby, littlepods, tiny tapir..
i know snugg makes them tp i figured shipping will be expensive..insyaalah pasni jahit sindirilah...
a'ah salu dia pakai dress sbb tgk cpt sgt dia grow, kang kelip mata dah tak muat dress...hehe
kak fathin,
eh dah dktla ye nk bersalin..nnt saya review k..
a'ah kan simpanla kasik next babies pakai...hehe..
salam...tq..a'ah fully bfeed..cpt je dah tembam..hehe
ko kenal ye...baju tu time pregnant adam..haha..malu2..
setakat ni takde stain..nnt aku review..
bam bam?hehe cutenye..nk panggil mia bam bam lah...
cpt gile dia grow kan...adam lak mmg cayang baby dia...
u made the cloth pads or bought?
salaam aida :)
i need your advice!
yknow that itti bitti kan, what in the world is a 'long stich' and how do i do it on a sewing machine?? :p
need to ruffle the skirt? aiyah...
am having trouble understanding instructions for the cute baby shoes too :p i thought i'd just use cloth, forget all the lining and all, but tak boleh ha ha.. malas la..
kak wiera,
saya beli..sbb last minute baru nak pikir pasal cloth pads...dah bersalin takleh kuar nak cari fabric/snaps..so beli jer..
long stitch = jahit lurus yg jarak2 jauh. kalau kat sewing machine pilih stitch length paling besar..kadang2 no 4 or more..tgk jenis machine..
Alahai Mia sungguh comel dalam dress ittew;)
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