Last week we went for my 7 month check up. This time tak dpt jumpa Dr Fauziah sbb she was on leave. Tak boleh postpone lagi because I was approaching 8 months already. Jumpa doctor locum Datin Dr Mimin (?).
My husband took some pictures during the check up.
My husband took some pictures during the check up.
Doc Mimin pun confirmkan lagi it’s a boy. She accidentally saw it while scanning me. She said Adam now weighs 1.8 kg. Alhamdulillah 1 kg weight gain from our last check up. I myself gained 2.5 kg compared to last month. Phew lega! With my recent food intake I was expecting 4-5 kg weight gain. My husband pun tersenyum lebar konon2 bangga sebagai my dietician..cit..Everything looks ok during the scan. Doc ckp Adam’s head position dia kat bawah rupanye. She tried to capture a scan of Adam’s face tapi tak dpt because he was so active! Tgn dia bergerak2 masuk mulutla and tumbuk2 mcm tgh kickboxing! So cute! Daddy ckp mungkin Adam nak jadi boxer kot?
I had another ATT jab also. Masa injection I heard the nurse ckp to her friend, alamak tak masuk. And then she said to me “Sabar jap ye kak”. My hand mula rase sengal. Very painful and the worrying thing was the pain was continuous sampaila kitorg balik. Singgah rumah kejap and I took 2 panadols sbb dah tak tahan sgt. I dah takut kot2la nurse salah administer the jab. Few hours later alhamdulillah the pain rasa kurang after the panadol. I asked a colleague and it turns out mmg it’s supposed to be painful. For her both shots she had pain in the whole hand for a week. For me alhamdulillah the 1st jab tak sakit langsung and the 2nd only painful for a while.
Everyday my tummy gets visibly bigger. Adam pulak sentiasa bergerak2. My belly terbonjol sana sini dgn kaki dia, or tangan dia. Hmm, bila la nak labour ni. I dah tak sabar…hehe.
I had another ATT jab also. Masa injection I heard the nurse ckp to her friend, alamak tak masuk. And then she said to me “Sabar jap ye kak”. My hand mula rase sengal. Very painful and the worrying thing was the pain was continuous sampaila kitorg balik. Singgah rumah kejap and I took 2 panadols sbb dah tak tahan sgt. I dah takut kot2la nurse salah administer the jab. Few hours later alhamdulillah the pain rasa kurang after the panadol. I asked a colleague and it turns out mmg it’s supposed to be painful. For her both shots she had pain in the whole hand for a week. For me alhamdulillah the 1st jab tak sakit langsung and the 2nd only painful for a while.
Everyday my tummy gets visibly bigger. Adam pulak sentiasa bergerak2. My belly terbonjol sana sini dgn kaki dia, or tangan dia. Hmm, bila la nak labour ni. I dah tak sabar…hehe.
wat 3d x?
no, should i?
already had my 3d scan at 5 months. should i have another one?
also wanted to ask u, since due date kite lebih kurang kan. have u started ur every 2 weeks punya check up tak? cos the doctor asked me to come sebulan lagi at which time i'll be around 36 weeks. mcm dah dekat sgt je.bilanya nak check every 2 weeks tu?
takdela. 3d 2 just nk cek if ada abnormality anggota luaran dia e.g. mulut sumbing, idung xde ke, etc. since dh wat & everything OK, xpayah dah. unless suka2 nk tgk muka dia ke. hehe.
mine starting last cek up (which is last week) dh start 2weeks sekali. mening next week cek up lagik la. patutnya kalo masuk 32week dah kene cek 2minggu sekali. 36weeks tu.. ntah2 dah besalin kot. hehe. try la konfem lg ngan doktor ituh. huhu. kot dia pakai method lain ngan doktor lain ker.
saat ni la yang kita akan rasa paling excited....bila usia kandungan dah hampir 8 dan 9.... saat yang mendebarkan bila dah masuk 9 nanti...tapi debaran tu ...debaran yang akan berakhir dengan kebahagiaan...kebahagiaan yang kita tak boleh nak ceritakan...saat tengok muka baby...lagila...hepy sangat..bahagia sangat...nanti adik akan rasakannya sendiri...akak doakan semoga segalanya dipermudahkan insyaallah...
kak puteri,
tq for tgk blog akak..comelnye aqilah!!
betulla..rase tak sabar n berdebar2 sgt nak jumpa Adam..semoga mudahla adam kluar dr perut mummy nanti...tq kak..
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