Lately I’ve been craving to do some DIY craft projects…I stumbled across the pattern to make cloth shoes for babies. Oh the shoes are so cute! The tutorials are for sewing with a sewing machine. I tried to borrow my mom’s but turned out her machine was broken. But by this time I was already itching to make the shoes already. I have the colour combinations/patterns in my head and I couldn’t get them out in time to get myself a sewing machine! In the end I decided I might as well hand stitch the shoes myself.
I didn’t even have the time to go to a fabric store to get some decent fabric to make the shoes. So I improvised with recycled fabrics – read: old clothes that need throwing out. The top of the above shoes are made from my old pants that have holes all over. I also use the elastic from the same pants. Babies shoes are so small that they require very small sized fabric. You can make them from practically any scraps you have lying around the house. It took me about 3 hours to make the first shoe (just one not a pair, ok). The second one took 2.5hr. Ok, it’s rather time consuming. It must be so much easier/faster using a sewing machine though. But with hand-sewing the project is very much portable and can be made quietly while my baby naps / while watching tv. I tried the shoes on Adam and they fit perfectly!
The shoes might be a little (a lot?) lopsided here and there and the sewing goes like waves instead of straight lines but…they’re made with LOVE and PASSION! Just for you, Adam..
I’m working on another pair. Will blog about it later.
bravo mommyadam...
at least u tried to make somethin' for adam...
i nak jahit kaki seluar pun x reti!!!
sweetnyaaaa aida!kalau me sure fail nye lah.hehe..
btw, adam dah 100% sihat ke?
wow menariknye!!! good job mommy adam :) boleh bukak kedai ni.
hi there!those shoes looks just like robeez shoes hokay!great job there.. ;)
nak tempah for my dotter, boleh?? hheheh bravoooo mommyAdam!!
kalau i?? beli aje laaaa.. takat jahit butang tercabut tu pass lah. heheeee
ala tutorial dia senang je..u pun boleh buat punye..
blom lagi...selsema tak baik lg..but suara dah ok..
thanks! haru jugak klau nak bukak kedai..satu kasut 3 jam..sepasang 6 jam...uwaa....hehe
tq...err...robeez shoes tu ape..?
nak ke? malunye nak kasi org...hehe..although come to think of if..they would make nice thoughtful gifts..if i can manage sew them straight/neat...hehe
Ok people..the order is open now. For those who are interested, please place your order to me,MommyAdam's Manager cum Promoter...hehehe..One more thing, do always check this page because more interesting handmade products are coming out soon..hehehe...
P/s: Yang, bile nak buat my shoes pulak?hehehehe...
-Daddy Adam-
wah sungguh menarik. bole tempah satu ni. hahak.
whoa!!! aunty aida, you are so talented!! those shoes are really cute...
ish you ni..malu i..hehe
mami hafiy,
bila nak dtg kl lg..meh dtg umah adam..i buatkan hafiy satu pair...hehe
tq nadhrah..but the shoes are not as cute as you =) cute the shoes!!!! creative betul laaa mommy adam ni! i pun nk tempah satu lah ;-)
aaaa.. cute nieh....
dah mula berangan nak buat 1 utk lil ryan, tp takut jd mcm knitted hat je.. berangan nak buat knittes sweater, tp angan tinggal angan... ha ha...
tgk la, nnt kalau kerajaan baru kata usul bout nak kasi elaun utk ibu2 yg jadi housewife tu djlnkan, i akan buat gak baju, botties nie semua.. he he...(ceh, berangan nak resign aa nie...)
i want one toooooooooo :) great job! u sangat2 kreatif..
rajinnyaa, lepas ni projek baju pulak ke, saya takde masalaa nak jahit2 ni semua hehehe
wahhh sungguh rajin! thumbs up to u!
mane u jumpe the tutorial to do the booties? website ke magazine?
pasni baju raya perhaps =)
mama ryan,
u pandai knit ke? i tak retila...hehe..
kalau nak meh dtg rumah i...hehe...bwk baby...hehe..
baju takdelah kot..i takde sewing machine...time pun takde..tapi i buat gak time si kenit tido =)
i jumpa kat website...ish baju raya dah lama i teringin buat..esp for my husband..tapi takde/tak pandai pakai sewing machine...
sila order kat my manager...hehe
Come on people, keep the order coming in!!hehehe..stocks are very limited, oh ade cabutan bertuah jugak..hehehehe....
-DaddyAdam/Mr Manager-
aida.. serius.. tgk gamba x dpt nk catch up camne nk buat.. eheheh.. kene ajar hands on laa... no order utk iffah.. ariff n the coming soon punyer.. blay??
aida...nama bb u sama la dgn anak i umo pun lebih kurang sama adam on 6/oct/2007.your bb 5/oct kan...ajar la saya cam ner nak buat booties tu...nama anak saya adam danish...! congrates!! bole bukak kdai online nih!!!
marina and yan,
kalau nak blaja buat you can look up the tutorial at =)
thank you =)buat suka2 bolehla..bukak kedai tak reti...hehe
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