How does one go about shopping for a baby? I had done some surveying on the internet and got a list of stuff we need to buy. We went to Midvalley all excited, and yet after a couple of rounds in the Jusco’s baby department, Mom’s care and Mothercare, we were still clueless on what to buy!
Which brands to choose?
Electric or manual?
0 -3 months or 3 -6 months?
Long sleeves or short sleeves?
Shorts or long pants..or..bodysuits? Does it even matter?
How many bottles?
Bottle warmer, do I need it? Can’t I just put milk bottle in hot water?
What’s a nippl* shield?
Stroller for newborn or for bigger babies?
With carseat/infant carrier or without?
Carseat with base or without (what is the base for?)?
What type of babycot? Price range is huge
What on earth is a bonnet and what is it doing the “baby’s clothes” list, shouldn’t it be part of a car?
I started reading forums on the internet about pregnancy and babies. It helps especially on deciding what stuff I really need to buy and which brands are better than others.
(oh no, how do I tell Adam later that my sole inspiration for raising him was the World Wide Web??)
We finally got some baby things bought but we’re still a long way to go. Tapi seronok beli barang baby ni. Geram je tgk sume cute2. Cuma taktau nak pilih jer. Nowadays kalau nak beli barang mengarut2 mesti terpikir, ish, baik pakai duit beli barang Adam!
Adam, bila nak keluar? Mummy Daddy dah over excited ni!
Which brands to choose?
Electric or manual?
0 -3 months or 3 -6 months?
Long sleeves or short sleeves?
Shorts or long pants..or..bodysuits? Does it even matter?
How many bottles?
Bottle warmer, do I need it? Can’t I just put milk bottle in hot water?
What’s a nippl* shield?
Stroller for newborn or for bigger babies?
With carseat/infant carrier or without?
Carseat with base or without (what is the base for?)?
What type of babycot? Price range is huge
What on earth is a bonnet and what is it doing the “baby’s clothes” list, shouldn’t it be part of a car?
I started reading forums on the internet about pregnancy and babies. It helps especially on deciding what stuff I really need to buy and which brands are better than others.
(oh no, how do I tell Adam later that my sole inspiration for raising him was the World Wide Web??)
We finally got some baby things bought but we’re still a long way to go. Tapi seronok beli barang baby ni. Geram je tgk sume cute2. Cuma taktau nak pilih jer. Nowadays kalau nak beli barang mengarut2 mesti terpikir, ish, baik pakai duit beli barang Adam!
Adam, bila nak keluar? Mummy Daddy dah over excited ni!
this is my opinion & our practise la.
1. brand, price actually is depend on our current economic condition & type is depend on our preference. like myself, i want someting not so bulky, multipurpose & senang nk dump in one place dgn botol2 sumer. that's why i go for avent isis uno. kalo nk yg bole wat double pumping, yg biasa recomended are avent isis duo, medela PISA & spektra 3. kalo iktu range harga avent>medela>spektra. kalo dr xp orang2 yg dh pakai derang puas hati la dgn type masing2.
2. kalo baju baby, utk newborn beli 2-3 lain je ckp. nanti baby cpt besar. we all beli all types of clothes dari sleeveless ke long sleeve, dr romper ke 2 pieces. kalo bole bli byk yg jenis lubang2 tu especially kalo rumah panas. kitorang bli long sleeve in case mlm2 sejuk. baju2 kitorang bli utk tempoh 1minggu, rotate2 je. nt dia besar cepat, kang rugi je bli byk2. lgpun baju xyah bli banyak, nt ramai org kasik hadiah. yg penting ms dia lahir tu ada baju nk pakai. & beli la utk 3-6mths 2-3 lai in case cepat plak membesar nt.
3. kalo nk breastfeed xpayah bottle byk sgt. yg pakej dlm pam & strelizer tu pn dah ckp. yg penting milk storage & ms pantang kene simpan as much stock as possible sbb time keje blk besok senang dh ada byk stok. stok2 ni bole simpan dlm bekas dadih. letak dlm freezer bole tahan 3 bulan.
4. no problem kalo nk warm kan pakai hot water. we all amik warmer sal senang. one go jer.
5. nipple shield to benda utk cover nipple masa breastfeeding expecially kalo u ada sorenipple ke so that bb tak isap direct dari breast. kompeni botol susu biasa ada mendalah ni.
6. kitorang angkat stroller + carrier. ms newborn tak confident la letak dlm stroller, we plan tu put dlm carrier dlu. dh keras sikit bole la put in stroller. ada jugak tgk org letak newborn dlm stroller trus. kalo nk beli, better beli yg stroller + carrier trus. kalo beli piece by piece mahal woo. unless nk beli stoller only/carrier only.
7. carrier kalo nk jadikan car seat need the base sbb benda tu yg akan jadi support utk seat belt. the base is to make the carrier available to be a car seat.
8. again brand & price depend on economic condition & type depend on ur preference. like us, we prefer yg fabric type rather than wooden type. & we prefer yg ada roda rather than yg fix je sal flexible & senang nk tolak g mana2. kalo nk masak kt dapo, tolak je g dapo. until now xjmpe lg yg berkenan di hati. myself mcm suka brand safety 1st, nmpk tegap tp xde plak kat market. kene beli online ke huh.
9. bonnet is the tutup kepala..yg mcm dlm filem inggeris dulu2 tu. yg macam ada renda2 tu.
wah along bernas + panjang comment u..thank you...
1. i choose avent manual je.more affordable plus good testimonials dr ramai org.harap2 ok
2. so baju tak kire la ye, suka hati kite la nak beli jenis ape pun?hehe..oklah camtu.cop..what is romper?
5. do we need to buy this shield then?
6. mcmana kalau beli stroller yg boleh pakai from newborn - about 4years and then beli pulak satu carseat yg adjustable boleh pakai newborn - 4 years gak. so takyah infant carrier.logik ke?
8.u're talking about cots ke? kalau yg fabrik ade ke yg adjustable mattress height/slide down side/convertable to toddler single bed?yg i jumpa fabric ones mcm playpen jer or fixed cot utk very small babies
9.thank u!ingat apela bonnet ni..
muahaha. sharing2 dr kita2 yg sama2 xde xperience :P
1. ok je manual. ramai my frens pakai manual & derang xdela ckp lenguh ke sakit ke. plus, avent ada mcm layer silicon yg ala2 massager tu huhu. so rasa selesa r kot. Tuhari try kat kepala lutut je, takut plak nk letak betul2 kt brst. Haha.
2. for us, janji semua jenis ada, sleveless, short, long, so apa jua situasi kang dh prepare awal2. kot2 la baby xtahan panas ke, asik nk sleveless or xtahan sejuk asik nk long sleeve. kalo sumer dah ada, anytime bole pakaikan je. this applies also to diapers. for us la, nk try yg murah2 dlu, kalo dia xbole, ruam ke apa, br upgred sket. diapers skg pn mahal huhu. kalo stat beli yg dh mahal kang xkan nk tuka yg murah2 plak ;p
romper tu baju yg ngan suar sekalik. hmm.. bole imagine kot. sekali sarung je pastu kancing je suar dia kat bawah.
5. i tak belilah shield 2 dgn doa&harapan xde poblem ngan suckling nt. unless niple kita mmg ada poblem i.e. inverted ke or baby premature ke. biar natural dlu. hehe.
6. logik jugak option tu. in fact tu lg bagus sbb bole pakai sampai bb besar. kalo carrier, dlm setahun dua je, dh besar xmuat/xselesa plak. kitorang bli carrier sal malas nk dukung2 dia, bawak g mana2, umah orang ke, letak je dalam situ. xmo ajar dukung2 kang kalo xdukung asik merengek je mtk dukung. Huhu.
8. itula.. yg fabric summer fix cot & xbole adjust jd bed la. Kitorang mmg xmo cari yg bole jd bed pn, sal nt dia dpt adik pulak. So bole pakai balik & bed bole beli set yg katil single je. In fact, dh ade kt umah. Huhu.
bonnet tu tutup kepala ek , aku ingat yg sarung tangan and kaki baby tu..hehehe
fizah, yg tgn tu namanya mitten yg kaki tu namanya bootie.
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