At 10 months young, Adam is;
More active than ever. Moving around everywhere in the house, driving us crazy..hehe Just last night he toppled over my bucket of water that I use for sterilizing. We found him happily playing in the puddle, all wet.
Ready to start walking (or I’d like to believe he is, hehe). He’s been cruising steadily for a while now. Nowadays I like to hold the tips of his fingers and releasing him so that I can see him standing by himself and then walk towards me a couple of steps. Ok that’s cheating, actually..hehe…but he usually gets so excited when I do I count 1,2,3 before I release him he’s already squeaking excitedly and tapping his foot like Happy Feet.
More prone to separation anxiety. Daddy says he’s Baby Center boy because everytime Baby Center announces a new baby development for his age in their weekly update, Adam will show us the development on the dot. Nowadays whenever we send him to the nursery he will scream at the top of his lungs and cling to me like crazy. Apparently it’s just a drama that he plays every morning ( to break my heart) because his teacher says after we go he’s just fine. In the evening also comes another episode when other babies’ mommies come to pick them up. When we arrive he’s usually all teary eyed and only smiles when he sees us coming.
Loves the Azan. Whenever he hears it, he’ll stop whatever he’s doing and listens intently. If it’s coming from the tv he’ll watch the tv. Then when it’s over he continues doing whatever he was doing…haha…oh, my son is going to be bilal or ustaz…hehehe…nowadays when he want him to stay still for a while we recite the Azan outloud, like when trying to put on his diaper or cutting his nails. Skarang dia dah pandai ikut skali…Orang Azan dia pun jerit AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa!!!! With rhythm. Hehehe…
Scared of strangers. Dah tak boleh dibawak majlis ni =)
Terrified of CHICKENS! During our last trip balik kampong Perak, in the morning banyak ayam2 berkokok. He was petrified! His whole body shook and he hugged me really tight. Everytime one more kokok comes he hugged me tighter. Langsung dia tak boleh sambung tido..So funny..budak Bandar betul….hehe
Very much a Mommy’s boy, Daddy says. I’m not complaining ;) though I think other ppl are starting to get irritated because they want to play with Adam too…hehe…
Starting to have a better appetite. He simply cannot see other ppl eating, mesti dia nak jugak…wlaupun dah kenyang…kalau suap dia mkn, tak boleh slow, nanti dia grunt “HURGH!!!” means cepatlah! Very impatient when it comes to food……hehe..tapi taklah byk sgt pun dia mkn,.selera je lebih…
Still biting me….uwaaaa…..but I think he’s starting to get the idea that it hurts…hopefully he’ll stop soon…
Has yet perfected the art of kissing. That doesn’t stop him from trying though.
Unable to sleep without comfort nursing. I noticed this since the sore ni**les. I tried to avoid comfort nursing and only feed him when hungry. I think it’s become a habit for him. Middle of the night at least 4-5 times he’ll seek me out to nurse. If I try to avoid and just tepuk2 and hug him, he won’t be able to sleep soundly – he’ll toss and turn and even cry with his eyes closed, until I give up and let him nurse. Actually I treasure all these night nursing sessions (when else do I get to bond with my baby), it’s as comforting to me as it is to him. However, with bleeding ni**les and more biting for him….means very little sleep for me and no chance for my breasts to recover…I’ll update on this situation in another entry..
Nowadays it gets really difficult to put on his diapers and clothes. He refuses to keep still even a few seconds…he hates being confined…so we sometimes dress him while he’s crawling around doing his own thing…
We love you so much! Muahs!
suka sgt tgk muka adam...
dah la rambut lurus (and nampak sgt lembut, betul ke aida?)
bapak comel adaaaam! jom ikut balik US! ajak mummy n daddy.. :D
"Adam trying to wake Daddy with his kisses"
i thought he's trying to CPR his daddy.hehe
mrs noba,
a'ah rambut dia lurus and soft je...sayang rasenye nak gunting..i nak biar panjang...hehe
a'ah bapak adam pun comel jugak =) adam nak ikut uncle nabil pegi us jugaklah!!
ok your caption is definitely more funny! heheheh...
Aida... amacam makin adventure kan?? go Mummy, Daddy..
hahah i like his entry.. cute la adam! same with my adam, he likes to listen to azan.. maybe baby suka kut sbb dia familiar dgn bunyi tu?
happy ten ten ten!!
adam comel!
*angkat tgn*
aunty aida, ryan pun suka dgr azan...
Adam makin besar makin comel n nampak kecik sket...anyways, so happy for you...may happiness will always be with you n your family.
i selalu rasa yg adam ikut muka aida tp ngah rasa ikut daddy adam.apa2 pun adam mmg comel.
yup..mommy daddy yg takde stamina ni...
yelah..agaknye mmg baby suka kot azan...
waaa gengla dgn adam...hehe
diana anuar,
dia dah aktif sgt sampai jadi kurus...tq..
siapa ni...dulu kecik2 org ckp muka daddy ade jugak org ckp muka mommy...
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