aida, takpe ke adam asik makan2 kain + gigit2 brg? i noticed die suke sangat.baik2 sket takut bakteria.. everything masuk mulut.. (most of the babies did that, but adam macam selalu sangat je?)
fizah, he's at a teething age. it's painful for him and biting helps. i try to get him to bite only "clean" stuff but sometimes you can't just control a baby, they're not's a phase,it'll go away don't worry. you'll understand once you have your own teething monster in your arms i'm sure ;)
btw, weird zebra is completely clean.i washed twice!
weird ke? comel yang teramat2 adalah..haha
comelnyee...both adam n "zebra"...heheh...
sori.. akak lambat betul nak tunaikan janji pasal artikel tu. insyaAllah dalam this week. adam dok masih geget lagi ka?
ya ALlah khayalnya anak awak ni geget zebra tu!
hahahaha tergelak tgk gambar yg last tu! cute la zebra tu. socks ke?
comelnye adam bermata kuyu.. hehe =)
super mommy and suhaila,
comel ek? yay..tapi tak rupe zebra sgtla..hehe
kak sue,
dah ok sikit dia kurang mengigit dah alhamdulillah..
a;ah made form socks...
klaka kan..
dot, the zebra maybe look weird to u, but to adam it looks yummy! cam aiskrem..hhehe. comel sgt adam!!
aida, takpe ke adam asik makan2 kain + gigit2 brg? i noticed die suke sangat.baik2 sket takut bakteria.. everything masuk mulut.. (most of the babies did that, but adam macam selalu sangat je?)
congrates, adam dah bole jalan!
mmg pada dia cam sedap jer..hehe
he's at a teething age. it's painful for him and biting helps. i try to get him to bite only "clean" stuff but sometimes you can't just control a baby, they're not's a phase,it'll go away don't worry. you'll understand once you have your own teething monster in your arms i'm sure ;)
btw, weird zebra is completely clean.i washed twice!
ok adam memang nampak cam high gila.u sure ke dlm tu takde drugs?hehe
adam sgt kiut... auntie rasa nak gigit! :)
aida.. uve got an award.. check it out in my blog.. anyway weird zebra pon comel jugak..
comel zebra nih.. where did u get the pattern? oe u just imagine aje?
pandainya mommyADAM ni buat zebra..
Alia pun soka gigit semua benda yg dia jumpa.. :(
Adam da brapa bulan eh..? lopa la.. rasa mcm sebaya Alia je..
**ada award di blog saya.. ambil ye.. :)
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