that's a photo of Daddy and Adam in the nursing room at the Curve when Adam was smaller (NOT! i think he was bigger then than he is now).
To Daddy Adam,
who was the happiest man when i told him i saw 2 red lines, who massaged my back and talked to my belly, who held my hand at labour, who gave Adam his baths when he was tiny and i was too scared he would slip in my hands, who stayed up with me during the sleepless nights, who let Adam sleep on his chest, who changed Adam's diapers countless of times, who babyproofed our house just so that Adam can play safely whereever he wants, who plans to grow a big tree at our (future) house just so that he can build Adam a treehouse, who watches football with Adam, who makes Adam laugh like crazy...
you are the best father in the world!
(and a fantastic husband)
We love you!!!
happy father's day taufiq!
aaawwwwww ;)
aida, bile nak bukak kelas jahit, aku nak join!
chun..taufik says tq..
eeiii malunye...bukan terer pun nak bukak2 klas...
I'm know this may sound weird, but hari tu I was browsing your blog, suddenly my hubby came up to me, and asked.. "nih sape nye blog, muka husband dia mcm i"(refering to the pic in this post). I have to say there is some similiarity. but only in this pic lah...hehehehe
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