hmm i've been slacking at updating the blog huh...
just came to leave you some photos of old crafty projects...

onesie made by my husband just for Adam...he designed, printed and crafted the whole thing himself..

red booties for a supercute baby girl that belongs to our friends..

couple of beanbag pillows for the car (husband is obsessed about beanbags ever since i made him his birthday monster bag)

car organiser for him...since he has been drooling (he loves organising!!) at car organisers for so long and saying how expensive they are...
hi mommyadam! seronok baca ur entries! and i agree with all the readers that ur craft project mmg cantik & one of a kind! aku tgk beg tgn yg ko buat (dijual kat booth fizah fauzi di mecd) mmg nice ok! i do need a new hobby, tp tak tau nak start mcm mana huhu any advice?
and aida, tho i've never met adam personally but aku sgt suka baca cerita2 about him. makes me feel like i've known him already! hope will meet him one day =)
in case you want to try it out, you can make non-slip cloth shoes by using:
1. puffy or expandable paint (ada kat craft haven)...but i think this is suitable only for indoors
2. rubber shelf liner. looks like that piece of getah thing most people put on top of their dashboard to pun things on it
3. toughtek (TM). not found locally. and of course yours truly just gotta have it! Usually found dekat shoulder strap laptop bag.
4. leather. not sofa leather etc, but the one used on gloves. dia more texturized.
5. kain yg ada rubber dot dot..heh, have no idea where to find it.
salam mommyadam...
saya pun sangat enjoy read ur entry...ur adam is very very cute...I like ur craft project...
same like belle...i also dont know how to start with my new hobby...
maybe u kena buat tutorial or class...i'll will be ur 1st student...heheheh...n the important things is where to get the material...
aaaaaaaaaaaa... jeles!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jari i keras.... knitting+crochet pun dah lama x buat...
hadoi... shoh shoh penyakit malas nih!!!
hai mommy adam! wah...cantik nye design kain hitam putih tu...beli kat mane? kain tu kalau buat beg pun lawa jg kan...
u haven't met adam?wait..kan ke dah byk wedding and such...didn't we meet during hada punya engagement?tq for ur kind comment on the bags =) i don't know how to advise on where to start bcos it depends on your personality and interests when it comes to crafts..however, i suggest u visit Craftster. they have ALL kinds of crafts there with amazing tutorials..i go a little crazy everytime i go there...hehe
ummi saeed,
OMG i love you!! you're the most resourceful crafty person i know! i'm a little scared of sewing with weird things like rubber or leather (i tried vinyl for a changing mat and it was a HORRIBLE experience, i tell you) but....the puffy paint sounds soooo interesting and full of possibbilities...hmmm...did i mention i love you??!!
sawmom (eh betul ke ni),
me, conducting a class??that would be hilarious i tell you...hehehe...anyway the materials i buy at normal fabric shop/sewing shop..if u want other weird crafty things, ummi saeed is a better source, i would think...hehe
mama ryan,
wow u boleh knit AND crochet?? these i haven't ventured into..yet..but i'm interested...teach me pls....hehe..
hi mommyadam, can i get ur email, pls? i urgently need to ask u about the nursery uve blogged about before..
thanks a lot ya :)
ps: been a silent reader all dis while..
adam's mommy,
i still wonder how u can get into this crafts credibility..i wonder what i will turn into once i have my own baby
kain tu beli kat nagoya..cantik gak kalau buat bag..but i only bought a meter and i've used every inch of it..bile i pegi balik kedai tu dah takde lak kain tu....sniff
yes,motherhood has changed me in the best ways =) i'm also interested to know how it'll change you..hehe
am i the supercute baby girl that's gonna get the supercute red booties??
yeayyyy!! hihihi..
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