So last weekend we finally met Ummi Tasneem and family, winner of the blog give-away! We decided to meet up at Taman Botani Putrajaya. We were surprised how beautiful it is over there….
So kitorg berpicnic dgn happynye tepi tasik sambil tunggu Nannoor + family. Dari jauh nampak a couple turun bawak stroller, I terus lambai je, ntah betul ke tak orgnye…hehehe…nasib baik betul…diorg husband and wife pkai baju tema pink. Tasneem pulak pakai tema Princess. Fuh…cantik betul the little princess that day..Adam terpegun sampai speechless…daripada budak bising jadi senyap jer…hehehe…Princess Tasneem pulak byk berckp tapi dgn begitu sopan sekali, soft je dia ckp….comel…
So kitorg berpicnic dgn happynye tepi tasik sambil tunggu Nannoor + family. Dari jauh nampak a couple turun bawak stroller, I terus lambai je, ntah betul ke tak orgnye…hehehe…nasib baik betul…diorg husband and wife pkai baju tema pink. Tasneem pulak pakai tema Princess. Fuh…cantik betul the little princess that day..Adam terpegun sampai speechless…daripada budak bising jadi senyap jer…hehehe…Princess Tasneem pulak byk berckp tapi dgn begitu sopan sekali, soft je dia ckp….comel…
Lps berkenalan and sesi tutorial pakai mei tai…sesi photoshoot pulak start…Adam and I dok berkelah jelah 2 org…kasik can diorg bergambar dgn aman…I can see that they are a happy family, dua2 sayang gile kat Tasneem =) and interaction diorg sefamily mmg mudah nak capture…sbb tak kaku or too posed…diorg cam relax jer…(ceh mcm I lak photographer). Pastu campur pulak the place is so beautiful….fuh….pasni nak dtg sini lagilah…heheh…

Lps dah puas bergambar and hari pun dah naik panas, diorg pun join me and Adam kat bawah pokok tepi tasik…hubby terus snap2 lagi…hehe…Tasneem tukar baju pink pulak…pun comel dia dgn baju tu…sempat la Adam and Tasneem bergurau senda dan berebut kipas kat situ…kitorg mak bapak ketawakan diorg…hehehe…

Anyhoo…hari pun makin panas…last2 kitorg pun balik….hmm..what a great day…Nannoor nampak happy dgn Mei Tai..and that makes me SOO happy =) I’m so glad she loves it…It was fantastic meeting all of them…yahoo…pasni boleh jumpa2 lagi!!
Nannoor + Ibrahim + precious Tasneem,
Thank you!!!!
More photos here
ist person to comment.weeee...
See, i already attach to u! hehehe
nway, its nice to meet u too..we really enjoy ourselves that day. i really love all the pics. hari2 tengok tau. hahaha
nnt kita jumpa lg k. this time kita buat pot luck picnic nak tak??
bestnye! jelesnyee!!!
hi dot taman botani tuh mmg best..ala2 kat turkey gitu..kitorang (the girls) penah wat photoshoot utk baju2 aku kt situ
oooo dah ada teman piknik la... kitorang tak bole join
menarik tu pot luck picnic...yum2...nanti kite sms2 ek..hehe..btw, boleh tak i nak pic u amik yg my husband tgh meniarap beraksi amik gamba tu? for my own collection =) i like it...hehe
bila kite lak nak jumpa2 nih??? heheheh...
cantik ek...nak pegi lagiiii...
eh mestila u boleh join...kan ke hafiy anak angkat i? (sukati je angkat2 anak org k...)
lahai.. wat a small world.. ibrahim tuh rasenye fedy nye colleague kat uniten.. die lecturer uniten gaks kn?
kombinasi color yang menarik - pink + hijau... memang lawo la gambar jadinya...
betullah tu..
kak sue,
cantik kan..
if i'm not mistaken, ibrahim was my senior @SMSTJ. we called him "ayem". it's a small world after all, no doubt. hehe.
nak jwab soklan fedy:
yup..COE-mechanical. =)
nak jwb soklan anonymous:
yup.. ex-SMSTJ. And "ayem" it is. =)
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