This is a long-overdue entry. I promised to make an entry on this. Just as a warning to other breastfeeding moms. I don’t care if the hospital sues me.
When Adam was 5 days old, I noticed his eyes were yellow-ish. We weren’t sure if it was jaundice or not so we decided to take him to KPJ Kajang just to get it checked, since it was the nearest hospital. Suddenly doctor said he needed to be warded. We weren’t ready..i was wearing kain batik and socks! (in confinement). I was told upon admission that Adam will not be getting a room since he will be placed in the nursery. I booked a room (bayar sendiri) for myself so that I can stay close and breastfeed Adam.
The nursery is locked at all times. To enter, you need to press the bell for the nurse to come and open the door for you. We brought Adam in to be placed under the purple light. He had to wear this tight strap over the eyes and he hated it! He kept crying and trying to pull it off. The nurses started to shoo us away especially my husband. I told them fine I’ll leave but he is fully breastfed so pls call me in my room whenever he’s hungry.
The nurses started to give me “advice” by telling me to give him formula so that he’ll sleep longer. Not just one nurse, many nurses from each shift. I kept telling them, NO, he is fully breastfed. Every time I go there to breastfeed, I could sense the resentment from the nurses. They compared my baby to other babies “ You cuba tgk baby tu, lama dia tido senyap jer…sbb dia minum you ni asik nangis jelah…sikit2 nak minum..dia tak kenyang tau breastfeed..tak cukup time dia duduk bawah lampu…nanti lagi lambat baik”. Skejap je breastfeed diorg dah warn suruh cepat cos baby need to be under the light.
Adam cried a lot because he hated being undressed, hated the straps over the eyes and hated being alone. Every time I come to feed him I boleh rasa dia mcm teresak2 mengadu to me and nak rapat2 sgt dgn i. Bila I letak balik bawah lampu dia meraung kuat2. one nurse told me “why don’t you just go back to your room, kalau you tgk dia mcm ni nanti you pun nangis”. Balik bilik I pun meraung. Aduhh tak tahan sian sgt tgk Adam..My husband lak langsung tak dpt tgk Adam..dia kene halau every time dia try nak pegi nursery.
I ignored the nurses and we survived the night. The next morning however I noticed that more than 2 hours had passed and they didn’t call me to feed Adam. We decided let’s just go to visit him. Through the glass door we saw that the nurses were giving a bottle to a baby that looked a lot like Adam. Of course babies look a lot like each other at that age. But my husband told me, Yang, itu mcm Adam je tu yg diorg bagi formula..”. We got in and it turned out it was Adam that they were feeding. Terus diorg mengelabah make excuses sampai tertumpah2 susu tu kat baju Adam. Kononnye Adam nangis bcos diorg amik blood sample so to shut him up they give him formula. Ya Allah geramnye tuhan je yg tau…bukannye tak ckp awal2…dah berkali2 I remind them dia ni breastfeed..bukannye I balik rumah..i ade dekat jelah kalau Adam nangis!! Nak kate bengap kang marah!! Hish….
They better make a breastfeeding policy soon..nama je KPJ..ceh…
Ok setakat ni jelah entry..makin panjang makin geram I kat hospital ni tau..
Anyway, recently a friend of ours punya baby was admitted there as well. And he too, was given formula despite being fully breastfed. Reza & Jimal, if you are reading this, pls give your testimonial as well ok..
To Along, ni pics of us in red…
Red is actually my favourite colour! Tapi susahnye nak dpt baby clothes in red…I must learn to make baby clothes pulaklah mcm ni…
omg..i baca nih i pulak terasa geram kat spital tuh!!huhu...sabar je la..
itulah realiti sebenarnya..maybe polisi hospital tuh mmg suruh bf sbb setahu i semua hosp kerajaan mmg galakkan bf(my aunt sister hosp kerajaan) tp kakitangan nyer yg nak senang keje suap botol je la bg bb tido so that derang takyah byk buat keje..huhu..geram sungguh!
nasib baik la hosp kat sini semua mmg galakkan bf, siap ada sesi urutan before bersalin dan selepas bersalin..eventhough i dah anak ke-2 and my 1st baby fully bf sampai 2yrs derang still nak ajar2/advice sungguh2 mcm mana nak bf etc..hehe..bagus jugak tambah ilmu kan :)
btw...i br jek start hs..lgpon sepatutnya hafiy dah start preschool(kat japan masuk preschool umur 3thn!) tu yg sungguh2 ajar dia..lgpon tak lama lg nak schoolbreak dah kan..hehe..ntahberapa lama break pon tatau la..sampai mommy bole adapt dgn new baby & new environment kot.
aida,geramnye kat sepital tu! better jgn gi dah situ..sian adam..
huh.. menggeletar badan i nie tahan geram...
nurses situ bodoh ke bangang x paham bahasa ek?? dah u bf, kalau adam lapar, panggil je la u.. bukannye susah pun... muda ke tua nurses situ ek?
lama ke u dok situ???
hey u...i baca i pun naik geram...same thing happen to Lyssa when she was admitted for jaundice at Sunway Medical...tapi masa tuu my parents ada kat situ and all the nurses dok psycho my parents suh i kasi Lyssa formula takut baby dehydrated laa...lambat baik laa...nanti lagi lama kat hosp laa...sampai my dad marah i cakap i tak kesian kat my baby...huhuhuhuhuhu....then ada plak one of the nurses cakap kat i..."alaa nanti lambat laun kena gak bagi formula" so sakit hatiii bcos of my parents i gave in...satu hari satu malam dia kat situ dia minum formula...but hubby and i agree never again will we go there for our future babies...kena pegi hosp yg fully breastfeeding friendly baru terjamin....everytime i pikir balik mesti i SIL told me kalau gi DSH they will let the baby stay in the room with you for the phototherapy and easy access to bf...
haha tu lah bile hosp non-bb frenly. ms i bsalin hafiy pon derang bg fomula tp i xmrh sgt sbb awal2 dr dh bgtau spital tu x pro-bf sal situ rmai chinese dlvr & drg xnk bf bb. tp okla sal i ms tu mmg xsdar diri (pngsan) & nurses bg fm w/o ackowldge me bole dimaafkn sbb xlh nk mtk ijin pn kn. tp adam case.. dh bgtau byk kali pn xphm2 ker..
eh geram la.. spital i tu even if x pro BF tp xdela duk peraja FM xbg BF. even nurse tu pesan "nt blk umah BF baby ye".
mmg kene g spital yg tol2 bbfrenly jer. kang xpepasal pisang berbuah lg..
ahaks soo nice! pekate nt kita wat potoshoot sama2.. in merah! haha. kali ni taufiq lak jd potografer :P
Wah keji nya hospital ni...Bukann depa yg patut sue you,teh other way around lah. Geram...
I baca pun rasa geram sgt. As far as i know hosp bawah KPJ Healthcare supports breastfeeding. I rasa nurses ni saja yg malas buat kerja. Bknnya payah nak panggil you kan. Itu lagi senang drp nak susah2 bancuh formula. Rasanya dorang takde anak kut, tak tahan dengar bunyi baby nangis.
sorry you had to go through that awful experience. at least kalau the nurses suruh you express milk and give thru bottle dgn alasan taknak kluarkan from the light pun boleh phm jugak.
masa sa'eed jaundice kat azzahrah sampai kena lampu atas bawah pun dr still kasi direct BF. sbb dia kata kalau BF, poo poo byk, better for baby.
i think you should lodge an official complaint against the nurses lah.
mommy hafiy,
goodluck with the new baby =) tgh sarat pun boleh lg u hs anak...
aku mmg mampos idup balik pun tanak pegi lagilah hospital tu! wlaupun sekangkang kera je dr rumah aku..unless nak visit org lain jer...
mama ryan,
nurses tua ade, muda pun ade..adam admitted situ 24 hours...
siannye you and lyssa terpaksa bg formula sehari semlm! i dgr ampang puteri, hosp pantai pun boleh bwk masuk phototheraphy bed for easy bfeeding..
kalau dlm your case (dah pengsan) takpe jugak kalau bg formula kan...ini i sihat walafiat tercongok tunggu tepi phone in case diorg call.pun tanak call. nak tunggu dlm nursery diorg halau...hish...
jom along wat PHOTOSHOOT!! i'm so excited!!! nak cari baju merahhhh husband will be very happy to practise his photography skills..tell me when you dtg kl ok..
betul tu...i rase nak je sue diorg...
i rase hospital ni baru so tu pasal takde bf policy. other kpj hosp mesti ade the policy written everywhere on walls etc..yg ni takde..tu yg nurses semua jahil lg kot..
ummi saeed,
yes betul patutnye lagi jaundice lagi byk patut breastfeed..
my baby adam was warded for jaundice for 3 times! 1st time 8 hari, 2nd and 3rd time 3-4 hari.. so sedih. masa tu tak pandai nak pump efficiently so qty susu tak byk. dlm sehari adam will get a bottle or 2 FM.. tp yg bestnya tiap kali EBM dah abis, nursery would call me, "Dik, susu dah abis. akak bagi baby FM ya?".. and dia akan call tiap kali adam nangis to see whther i could come or not for tht feeding session. kalau i nak dtg, dia bg pacifier kat adam so adam would stop crying skjp. (hosp-rumah 5 mins)..
tp yg sedihnya masa kena warded for the 3rd time, paed dia pegi haji so masa tu ada paed ganti dr govt hosp. dia suruh totally stop BF. i was sooo marah tht time. tp nak buat mcm mana kan bila dah tertekan, family semua suh i stop.. then i jumpa paed lain and he said, "continue bf. stop bf wont do any good to the liver anyway" (jaundice pasal immature liver)..
ingat2 balik masa tu i stop bf for a week (tp continue pumping).. adam nangis hari2. mmg bole jadi post-natal depression tau. and i just BF him sembunyi2.. oooooo we were so stupid ikut paed punya advice tu.
what???? apa teruk laa punya hospital. elly pun geram jer rasa reading this entry. didn't they know at all the goodness of BM?? teruk betul laa itu makciks.
p/s: aida, i can feel you boiling up as the entry goes on... huhuhu..
so far takde hospital yang akak pergi larang ibu BF anak.. menggalakkan lagi ada la.. di DEMC of course they will let you rest a bit and when you've enough sleep and you want to see your baby, they will bring him to you. bila cukup time kasi balik anak tu ke nursery, tu pun bila kita dah puas main or BF dia.
di hosp sg buloh plak memang ibu kena jaga anak sendiri. termasuk yang jaundice. betul2 letak anak kat sebelah. ikut ibu la nak cepat ke nak lambat keluar dari hospital.
since anak akak yang ketiga prem, memang kena jaundice. boleh visit bila2 masa. even kita tak dapat BF dia directly tapi nurses selalu tanya kalau2 susu ibu ada pam ke idak. kalau habis pun dia inform kita supaya pam lagi. yang 2 lagi tu tak de la kena jaundice sampai warded. put them under morning sunlight dalam 4-5 hari je pastu baik sendiri..
heran betol la kalau tak kasi ibu BF anak ni.. kalau depa tak suka dengar baby2 tu nangis, kasi je anak tu dekat kita sambil letak violet light tu di sebelah.. senang cerita..
my son was admitted for 9 days after he was born sbb tertelan air ketuban. but alhamdulillah, i didn't have any problems bfeeding him sbb the hospital is a baby friendly hospital. dia akan call i every 4 hours to feed my baby or akan call bila baby nangis lapar. and memang policy diorg utk TIDAK bagi FM kepada baby. even bg puting pun x boleh. unless kalo parents sendiri yg suruh.
so bila baca ur entry ni, sakit hati jugak dgn mentality nurses tuh. mungkin sebenarnye diorg malas nak jaga baby yg nangis. sabar je lah diorg ni!
what a terrible ordeal for you..apela teruk punya paed...ceh...kalau paed pun taktau the benefits of BM..nurses lagilah..
mmg boiling pun...hehe..
kak sue,
tulah saya pun pelik ngape hospital tu mcm tu...sbb hospital baru kot...ntahler..
mrs noba,
i pun rase diorg just malas nak jaga baby nangisla...nak soh baby tido jer..senang keje diorg..
nice blog. Quite a big difference of the way they treated the parents and, encouragement for BF. My baby was warded too for 10 days due to meconium aspiration. But the nurse would call me everytime my baby needed her feed, regardless being 1,2 or 3 hourly.They allowed my husband too to come in, (baby was initially in the HDU-high dependency unit), and would allow us to spend time with the baby as long as we wanted.Of course when my baby was moved to the nursery, husband was no longer allowed to come in (coz there were moms breastfeeding).But they would politely inform him, instead of shooing him away. That was at Glen*agles. I really like the hospital!
1st time komen
KPJ mana tuh?
Gleneagles pun ok yer...bagusla..
KPJ Kajang..relatively new hospital..
wah..geram nyer..
marah nyer baca kpj cm2....
sgt kurang ajar la tuh!!!!
masa bb saya jaundice... warded kat sg buloh... mmg depa bg dok skali dgn bb tp nurse (tmasuk doktor) xpandai @ xde ilmu sgt psl bf coz masa 2 i fever... depa bg mkn panadol n suruh i stop bf dlm 24hours coz xnk ubat panadol 2 masuk dalam badan bb...
n i sooo stupid dat time... bg 1 bottle FM kat my son.... coz their advise...
luckily, teringat cal LC... mbebel panjang dia... marah kat i pasal cetek sgt ilmu.. waaaaa...
lps 2,.... mmg continue bf wlaupon ramai suruh stop, campur FM, susu kambing etc2.. even my mom, mil pon sama... hu3...
susu ibu is the best!!!
1st time reader.
teruknya hospital tu kak. my baby admitted for 4 days @ ampang puteri. fully bf and nurses pon well trained about BM. excellent service. malangnya masa tu BM saya 'terencat' sekejap sbb stress. baru anak sulung, jadi panik n sedih xtentu hala sampai kurang makan n xsihat so BM kurang produce. nurse mtk permission to give her FM. terpaksa la. anyway i still pump out my BM at the nursery to restimulate the BM production. Alhamdulillah, the next day dpt direct BF blek.
cuma yg sedihnya, during 1 mth checkup, her paed said that my girl wasnt gaining enuff weight and i had to top up with formula. she said 'maybe your BM is not enuff'. i dont believe that bcos i know mothers will produce whats enuff to their babies. anyhow, the worrisome daddy still bought a box of S26 to feed her. God knows how sad i was at that time. she suffered whenever she poo (i cried as well whenever that happened). and then i couldnt stand, i really wanna change to another paed and stop giving her FM. now she's fully BF again and is healthy like never before ;)
i always inspired by other mums who fully bf their kids. may Allah wills me to succeed as well.
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