Finally the moment we’ve been waiting for has come! Boleh kasik Adam makan! Yay!!
So for his first meal I made him simple rice porridge + EBM. I blended the rice dry before cooking. Adam was thrilled! Selama ni boleh tgk je Mommy Daddy mkn ye sayang..nampak sudu terus bukak mulut dia..
So for his first meal I made him simple rice porridge + EBM. I blended the rice dry before cooking. Adam was thrilled! Selama ni boleh tgk je Mommy Daddy mkn ye sayang..nampak sudu terus bukak mulut dia..
Tapi first time I made it nampak the bubur mcm berbiji2 jugak lagi. Err..anyboby has any tips? Nampak sgt I tak pernah masak bubur kan? I ended up cooking it for longer and then blend lagi sekali! So bubur tu jadi rupa mcm gam..mmg halus giler…hehe
pls don't laugh at the heart shaped was my idea ;p
After 4 days on rice (I ikut the 4-days-rule, every 4 days I plan to introduce new food), I made him steamed sweet potatoes. I freeze it in ice cube trays byk2 and put it ziplocked bags. Senang for future mix and match menu. Rasa dia sedap…yum..Adam seemed to like it..
org melayu panggil tak
Today, menu Adam is Apples pulak… =)
sweet nye mommy nih..hahha..nnt aku blaja dr ko ok!
helo adam!
bestnya adam tok mamam. hafiy dh xmamam sbb dia xmo. hahaha. dlu je ngada2 nk mamam..
waaa...i yg excited tgk adam makan! tak sabar nk kasi lyssa makan jugak!
chup nk tanya...bila adam dah start makan nii, his milk intake still the same or less?
oh yek, for the bubur, u blend 1st
& then cook. it's easier to soften it... luas permukaan betambah.
yey, welcome to the joy of making baby-food! u know what, i just discovered that my mashed potato became gluey because i overblend it , probably that's what happened to you bubur. no need to blend sampai macam tu sekali..hehe....the whole point of introducing real-food is for the baby to learn that real food have texture! :D (i pon tak pernah masak bubur before this...mujur la ada anak...ada la initiative nak belajar... ;P)
Aida, baby Adam dah 6 mos ke? Best kan prepare food for him :)...
Anyway, kak wawa just want to share my previous experience masa weaning Iman when he was a baby...
Kak Wawa akan masak bubur with carrot, cauliflower, potato or brocoli...and u can add some fish mcm ikan tenggiri..ikan bilis pun boleh but make sure u tumbuk dulu hancur2...takut ada tulang...
pas dah masak bubur tue baru kak wawa blend...kak wawa beli hand blendder, very2 useful and handy ...senang nak bawak mana2..and blender nie khas utk Iman nyer food jer...blend jgn lah terlalu halus, nanti jadi mcm gam..heheh :)..
Kak wawa akan prepare fresh food early in the morning before send him to the bbsitter...
oh ya, aida boleh beli buku resepi pa&ma...its a small book cover color biru, ada byk menu for baby...
ok, hope this helps....
kak wawa
what time do you feed adam?
i like the heart-shaped container. sweet~.. heheh
i bought commercial rice powder for my Adam, now when i read your blog, i think i shud give the baby homemade food. :)
ahaa nak tau jugak milk intake dia mcm mana.
mcmla aku byk experience..aku trial and error je ni..hehe
hafiy mmg dah tak mkn dah ek skarang? tak try other types of food ke? mungkin dia mat salleh tak minat rice? hehe..along..i did wash, dry and blend the rice first before cooking. tp bila masak (pakai slow cooker) jadi mcm biji2 nasi lembik yg kecik..nape yer..
sebulan je lagi...tungguuu..hehe..his milk intake so far i tgk sama jer...lgpun this early stage dia mkn pun tak byk..secoit je =)
mama schmontel,
tq for the tip..i did try that actually..blend skejapp jer..tapi still hancuss mcm gam gak...overefficient ke my blender??hehe..bbsitter tanya "Adam mkn ape ye yg putih2 tu?" hehe..takpe next month i try introduce some finger food pulak for some texture..
kak wawa,
tq for the tips =)
about 10 am..after his morning nap. do try homemade baby's surprisingly easy to make even for a busy working mom. you can make in "bulk" whenever you have the time.pls visit this website..i suggest it to everyone..hehe wonderful info there..Adam's milk intake stays the same for now..
don't you have a blog?i'd love to read about your Adam too =)
cutenye adam makan..aida,dulu ade tgk my sist blend bubur+carrot, kejap2 my niece mkn food kaler oren,kejap ijau.hehe.. kejap lg adam tambah tembam laa..
I would be introducing solid to my son too soon. Dulu with my firstborn ikut cakap org so instead of bagi rice cereal, i gave rusk mixed with EBM at 5 mths old, then gradually masak bubur campur broccoli & carrot and isi ikan bawal putih then blend. That wholesomebabyfood mmg give great tips and info kan
he he.. wholesomebabyfood tu ada kat my blog tapi tak sempat2 nak baca byk2.
my mom ajar mcm ni:
goreng tanpa minyak beras. pastu blend pakai dry blender sampai jadi serbuk. then masa nak mkn nnt campur dgn milk or water.
my blog:
above msg is me!
chun..ok gak kalau dia tembam balik..dah kurus skang..hehe..chun, i can't wait for your turn to come..hehe..
rusk tu ape ek? sorry blur..yes i love that website...hehe..
yay now i can go stalk your blog =)
bestnyer, another crafty mama!
mmg giler addicted kan. right now i am working on some dresses for my girl and nak modify baju time single dulu for
thanks for dropping by footprints!
aida, i made one for my niece yesterday, she seems to like it very much, blend a ready-cooked rice, at the same time boil potatoes, isi ikan (or ayam will do), spinach 2-3 leaves, then once dh lembut, take it out and blend again, nmpk selera je dia makan
Rusk tu biskut baby, ada brand farley, milna. Btw, beras tu you basuh dulu tak and then keringkan before blend or terus blend saja, takyah cuci? Kat sini pun ada few baby food recipes:
tq for dropping by here! you know what, you're the one who inspired me to start my obsession in crafting! i was bloghopping, found yours, clicked on your links..and the rest is history! tq so much =)
Adam is not yet ready for fish and spinach..but once i've introduced those things without allergic reactions i'll try that recipe for sure..thank you!
i wash the rice first, air-dry it and then blend..tq for the link..
oh i xtau la nape jd camtu sal xpenah wat. yg bgtau tu pon my colleague cni. i lenyek pakai strainer je nasik hafiy.
experience kak sue.. tiap anak lain2. ada yang tak suka makan, so i just went on with milk sampai dia rasa nak makan. both adam & mastura tak suka makan makanan lembik macam nasi yg diblend. biskut tu dia orang nak... ni disebabkan oleh pertumbuhan gigi mereka yang cepat. bila cecah setahun gigi dah penuh kecuali gigi geraham.
yang penting, dia punya PO & BO normal, tak sembelit.
amat sukar memisahkan mereka dengan susu. dah makan nasi + air kosong pun masih mintak susu.. even minum air milo pun still nak susu...
la ni dah pandai mintak macam2.. lagi la tak sudah2 entertain apa anak nak makan
lenyek2 je pun ok ek...
kak sue,
PO and BO tu ape ek...hehe..
PO & BO ni bahasa spital merujuk kepada bahan buangan.. -:)
i lenyek pakai tapis jer. rasa lagi seronok dr blend. hehe.
just wanna share my opinion dan apa yg i belajar kat sini(dr paed hafiy)
mula2 intro anak mkn bg bubur nasi+susu dulu..jgn blend sbb nnt udara2 pon masuk sekali better lenyek2 ajer kat strainer..mmg makan masa tp derang bukan consume byk pon kan..hehe..bubur nasi meaning nasi semata2 jgn campur benda2 lain.mcm yg u buat la 4 days-rule br introduce yg lain utk tgk allergy reaction..jgn buat bubur campur kalau potato..potato ajer kalau broccoli broccoli ajer..or maybe nasi+potato or nasi+broccoli since dah introduce kat nasi 1st kan..dah dia ok dgn semua without allergy reaction br la bole campur2..dah selesai segala sayuran dan buahan(sbb senang hadam) br la bg ikan or ayam.telur after 10mos kot kalau tak silap..fresh milk after 1yrs++
i rasa sama je dgn yg u buat..cuma bab blend tu yg lain sket..jgn buat jd mcm glue sgt nnt dia tak belajar texture mknan end up dia tak suka mkn sbb berbiji2 tu..setengah budak geli..hehe
btw keledek tu sgt la menyelerakan :)
kak sue,
oooh ok...hehe..
u pkai strainer yg jenis besar ke kecik ek? mula tu i try pakai strainer teh (kecik) tapi cam tak lalu langsung lak bubur tu...hehe..
mommy hafiy,
tq so much for the tips..i agree with you..test one item at a time before start i didn't know about using strainer, tak blend...i'll try it insyaAllah..
uish mmg sedapla keledek tu..both my husband and i pun curi adam punya sikit...hehe...
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