Adam went to his first birthday party! Yay! Who’s the birthday girl?
Nadhrah! isn't she pretty??
Adam was so excited..lebih2 mcm birthday dia pulak..ceh…
Adam happy main swing
Tgk ni dia berebut main ball dgn birthday girl…ish2…
nampak tak my fingers tarik overall adam tu...Ramai sgt baby comel2 kat sana…rase mcm kat nursery..

Makanan pun sedap2…
We had a lot of fun…yay…
I decided to make a dress as a present for the birthday girl…
front view
back viewI hope she likes it…and I really hope it fits her, since I don’t have her measurements..i just made it based on Adam’s size, which I assumed the same as Nadhrah’s Umi and Baba Nadhrah, muat ke?
Happy First Birthday Nadhrah!!!
so cute that dress
comel nya dress much is it if u intend to sell it?
thank you =)
thank you..taktaula..hehe..i tak penah jual...
dot, comel sgt dress tu! and nampak kain die selesa sgt..kalo kat kedai mahal tu..huhuu!
i saw adam and mommy adam and daddy adam kat an-nur bangi last Sat. Tapi auntie yoko mmg jenih penyegan tak hingat nak tegur org kat street. hehehe.. tapi rasa geram sgt nak gi kat adam and nak pinch his cheek.. hehe.. balik umah rasa nyesal lak tak gi tegur.. pulakkk.. heheh
adam looks so comfortable and manja-manja and of coz sgt comel in your slings. seriously, now rasa cam nak sgt ada satu.. nak wat sendiri, errkk.. but i came across this a bit pricey to me though. huhuhu..
Hey Nadhrah same with my doter namela..anyway nice dress...nak tempah boleh tak?
aida, kalau aku bg ko satu baju contoh aku, mintak ko jahit ikut sebijik baju tu, rsnye boleh tak?
harga tempahan satu blouse rm35. ok?
alah apsal tak tegur pegi prenatal check up eh..
hehe i tak jual la dear..
weh aku bukan tailor daaa..kalau aku main tgk boleh jahit dah lama aku buat semua baju aku sendiri..hehe..aku reti yg simple2 jer..baju budak2..
a'ah gi prenatal check-up. my hubby pun perasan u and baby adam tau.. when i first saw u, i was like "ehh u, tuh baby adam laa", then he said "laa i dah perasan lama dah dr tadi".. hehe :)
sorry dah lama post ni baru nak reply...
the dress fits perfectly! labuh sikit, but that's great, bole laa pakai lama sikit..
we'll post the pictures on our blog soon ok.. (kitorg ni update blog dalam seminggu jek sekali skrg nih... dah slow..)'
thanx again!!
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