The turnout for the Malaysian babywearers gathering this time was very good..even better than last time, I think..yay!
The title was “Ring Sling”. I’ve not used one was looking forward to learn about it but unfortunately was busy chasing Adam while Jess was giving the briefing on ring slings. I don’t know why Adam somehow gets really hyper whenever we arrive at a babywearing gathering! The last time pun mcm tu jugak…habis semua tmpt dia nak pegi/panjat/main/kacau…ok, he’s always like that only masa gathering ni lagi terukla sbb org lain tgh diam dgr talk..hehe…
The title was “Ring Sling”. I’ve not used one was looking forward to learn about it but unfortunately was busy chasing Adam while Jess was giving the briefing on ring slings. I don’t know why Adam somehow gets really hyper whenever we arrive at a babywearing gathering! The last time pun mcm tu jugak…habis semua tmpt dia nak pegi/panjat/main/kacau…ok, he’s always like that only masa gathering ni lagi terukla sbb org lain tgh diam dgr talk..hehe…
However I did get to try out some of the carriers that I’ve been dying to get my hands on…ok let’s feast your eyes on these very hard-to-get carriers…
This is a Freehand Mei Tai. Oh I love this one! The material is very soft twill! Very soft and thin! Perfect for our weather, I think. The Freehand deserves the name Kozy better than the Kozy. Ops. it has no padding though...if i were to make a mei tai like this one (oh i wish i have that twill!) i'll pad it a little bit...but overall, i love this mei tai...wish i could buy one...heheh...
Oh ya Lana came! She wanted to find the perfect carrier for her but unfortunately baby Haiqal tgh sleepy, poor baby! Pls jgn serik dtg lagi next time ok? She did try my Mei Tai Buckle…
The timing mmg masa nap baby lah kot..Adam pun ngantuk sgt…the last carrier that I tried after the Freehand was a wrap…teus Adam lelap..
Lps tu kitorg terus balik..we had to leave early cos dah terlambat pun nak balik Perak..Everybody waiting for us tak..Opah and Atuk waiting for Adam actually…cucu kesayangan..hehe..So tak sempat nak bergambar dgn the other ladies and try out other carriers…takpe, next month pulak =)
Check out more photos of the gathering here
i like your babywear semangat.. walaupun i malas menjahit, but when i look at how happy adam in the SSC, encourage me want to make my adam happy too.
good luck aida!
how i wish my hubby change his mind over babywearing... hip la babywearing nie...
thank you..mmg i got the babywearing bug pun sbb i nampak sendiri how happy, calm and relaxed adam is in the carrier..
i found a few articles that you can read on baby positioning. kalau ur hubby nak baca lagi bagus..hehe.otherwise you boleh explain sikit2 kat dia...
in this one you boleh tgk pic how terkangkang the baby's leg is..
that pouch u buat utk ur hubs tuu so niceee!! sesuai sgt for a guy. i've never seen a daddy pouch-ing a baby before ok... slalu nampak yg pakai ala ala baby bjorn jer... kudos to ur hubs!!
aida, menarik sgt baby wearing nih
penting, tgn tak berape nak lenguh kan
aida nak tanya sket. kat mana u order the little tag(aidafiqs) that you stitch with your handmade items. I'm interested in putting those on mine but i tatau mane nak cari.
wow... tq aaaa....
nak kene baca nih...
-mama emma-
Aku nak order satu leh x? Please buatkan satu utk aku. Hoho. I'll pay! If you agreed, nak carik kain kat IKEA ni. Baby is out next Feb i-Allah, so no rush, but aku interested with your baby carrier!
Assie Soton
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