Also the first time Adam went to Eid prayers. We all went to Central Mosque, they have 5 imams at different timings, we went for the one at 9am. Daddy said Adam was really well-behaved during prayers. Then he had a short nap during the khutbah. Khutbah was in both Arabic and English. It was also my first time praying Eid in mosque...normally in Malaysia I stayed at home.. and in Sheffield I prayed with the girls only at one of the houses, not at the mosque..
(jgn terkejut pakai baju raya tahun lepas...hehe..takpelah org London tak penah tgk kan..baju Adam dah singkat, so proving that he did grow afterall..hehe..songkok dia pulak dah tak muat terus...)
In the morning we had breakfast of rendang ayam with nasi impit and serunding..simple je masak sbb we were already invited to few houses..then later we went to visit friends' houses...
berjalan raya that day sampailah malam...
balik rumah...pulun masak pulak...
esok bgn pagi2..masak lagi...
Lps guests semua dah dtg and mkn2...kitorg kuar beraya lagi...sampailah mlm lagi..
aida, eid mubarak!
... bagusnya tahu msk rendang. aku xpenah masak rendang, mak mertua n kakak2 ipar yg masak time raya aritu (take things 4 granted..yes i know..hu3, xpe 1 hari nant akan bljr msk rendang, insyaAllah)
Aida and family
Eid mubarak...may you have a blessed and a joyful eid in u all beraya kalah i kat M'sia ni...1st raya paling jauh we all pegi pun ke Shah Alam (from ampang lak tu), satu rumah je..hehhe...masakan raya pun rasanya u all punya lauk banyk we only have n.impit, kuah kacang n rendang ( kat Gaza tak kenal pun benda2 ni kan..huhu...sambutan diorg pun ala kadar je).
Anyways,where ever you are, eid is about gratitude. Eid Mubarak!!
p/s; we all pun recycle baju raya thn lps...hikhik...tudung je tukar yg lain..hikhik...sama la tak cam kot..
adam comel!sekali lagi jumpa lepas ni mesti dah sgt besar =) aida,bestkan masak (tiba2)
selamat hari raya! aida, ko macam look fairer and fairer everyday...dah la mmg dah fair. tahniah (tak kluar tajuk kan komen aku.hehe)
aku pun sbb dah terpaksa ni baru blaja masak rendang...padahal hilmi dah lama pandai masak redang..tak susah pun rupenye..
yay ade geng pakai baju raya tahun lps..hehe
tak best ah masak ernie..kene berdiri lama..tak tahan sakit pinggang sakit kaki..
wah kot?sama je aku rase..
a'KUM Aida, Selamat hari raya Aidilfitri to u n family. I really like reading yr blog!
Also i wanted to ask the place that ure renting now looks so cool, do u mind me asking hw much is the rent and where it's at? If u rather message me personally can email me laa at
best btol raya kat london. we spent ours at Msian high com for eid prayers but ter miss n they didnt do a second one pun skali je. sigh
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