I was rather nervous about meeting these new people..but i didn't need to be. They were very nice people..the meet up was kinda like a casual gathering..everybody brought their own project and shared with everybody else..
I really enjoyed myself. considering the fact that to enter a knitting class would've costed me 100+ pounds...this was great bargain! not only did i learn knitting for free..i get to meet these great people too..they hold these meetings every 2 weeks...
ok i only ended up with a small section of knitting done..hehe...but knitting is meant to be slow and relaxing...yes...i felt very calm just knitting away slowly....hopefully i'll get to learn more..
p/s: by the time i got home (around 9 pm) Adam hardly realised i was missing! haha...Daddy said he was very well behaved...
bestnye entry ni sebab
1)tetibe jek naik tube sorang2
2)pastuh jumpe nice stranger =D 3)doing great stuff together
(cheh best tak komen aku dot?)
ko belajarla ek..nanti blk sini ajar aku lak. buat knitting group lak ke..huhu!
nak tambah.
1) naik tube sorg2 @ London :)
jelesnya belajar knitting. i tak tau nak buat tapi suka tgk org buat. ermm.. my adam dah ada adik :) hehe
nak naik tube!
(ceh, ape tah komen aku)
whatt????awww maann..mcm korg ckp eh bestnye naik lrt..or KOMUTER!!!!heh
Bcoz kat Malaysia takde tube yang bertingkat2 =D (well imi,you're embarrassing us here u know =D =D )
Kat malaysia pun tak naik KTM.. heh
best2...ni baru second time aku pegi kluar sorg2 without adam..
boleh2 insyaAlah...
u dah bersalin! congrats!!!!
fizah and ernie,
takde ape yg special pun naik tube...tube tu tak bertingkat pun...hehe
kt paris ari tuh bertingkat2 (section by section underground) huhu tak penah g london =( kalau kurik baca ni pasti teruja
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