I've been away from the pc for a long time. Lots of things to update. Munirah and family came to visit! Hari Raya celebrations, Adam's birthday, Adam's birthday trip, my new "toys"...
i'll start with quick photo update on Munirah's visit..sorry photos tak lawa sbb i yg tangkap..hehe..hubby tgh service car...

meriah betul rasenye rumah bila ramai babies crawling around everywhere! you must have such a lot of fun at home munirah and syauqi! tq so muc for coming..pls come again k..
more updates coming soon..
i pun tak update lg blog..our visit to ur place baru half way i buat...still dlm draft. now pulak takde maid...!
btw, i luv the photo of us and the babies!
ramainye babies! CUTE SGT! ;)
the beanbag looks great as a carrier ;)
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