This month was all about utilizing mobility…I think these pictures better describe Adam and his MISCHIEFS…

Here he is playing with pasta. I noticed that he loves anything long and skinny – like wires and measuring tapes and ribbons and cables……plus of course like any babies his age he puts absolutely EVERYTHING into his mouth….so I thought he’d get a kick out of cooked spaghetti. I was right. Plus he can now bite with his teeth.. He got so excited and almost GREEDY. Hehe…it was so cute to watch…
We caught the cheeky monkey under the coffee table several times. Sometimes dia cuba panjat masuk, like in the above photo..sometimes he tries to go across from one side to the other, like lompat pagar , only his head will hit floor first. Klaka tgk dia clearkan barang2 mcm tin biskut tu to make space for him to climb in…
Of course his favourite activity…tolak2 stool since he knows this gives him the most mobility (and fun!). boleh jalan2 laju satu rumah…wait..bukan jalan…LARI ok…view the video at Daddy’s blog.
Here he is underneath my chair in the sewing room playing with my bag of zippers... Usually I have the door closed all the time because the room was soo messy and full of hazards – like needles and threads and rotary cutter and scisors and little pieces of scraps that he can choke on. Wait, he did try to swallow a ball of fabric scraps once…thank God Daddy perasan…fuh….anyway..i finally cleaned the room up, so now I can have him play in the room while I’m sewing…
he has explored practically all parts of the house...
underneath the dining the crazy excited eyes...hehe
underneath his underused cot..
mcm2 betul akal budak kenit sorg tu...hehhe...
one thing i've learned this month...NEVER underestimate him...huhuhu...
Happy 9 month birthday Dadam...we love you so much...remember dear, sleep time is NOT playtime..ok sayang? =)
OMG, 9 months sounds so grown up...oh no...i'm not ready for my baby to become a toddler!!
alahai..kiutnya adam!
bak kata orang tua2.."Baru dapat kaki..."
sure tgh seronok dia mengexplore :)
haha so cute adam! meswti seronok explore satu rumah & main2 ms mummy daddy nk tido (or tgh tido) :P
i think i'm too the control over hafiy la. tak larat nak mengejar. i salu pegang kaki dia kalo dia nk pegi mana2. huhuh.
amboii nakalnya! hehehe comel! tak sabar nk tunggu my adam boleh se-mobile ini
hi kak aida..
adam ni similar to my sis time kecik2 dulu. adik sy tu dulu 9mths dh bole jln..siap jln round2 dlm shopping complex, sume org pelik je tgk.. sbb bdn kecik, nmpk pun kecik tp dh bole jln.. ehehhee.. be ready mommy!
~nurul aini
eeee kiut nyer adam!! arrghghkiiuetiut (bunyi gigit) hehe jgn marah aida
waching Adam's behaviour... waaaa blay tahan budak nih ek.. oopss mummy this only 'appetizer' ok??
ala tomelnye adam...'eed is almost 15 months and he's still a baby :)
mrs noba,
yes...excited sgt dia dpt kaki =)
i also started with holding his kaki. but now i've given up and biar je dia explore..hehe..lantaklah...
yes it's so cute to watch..although i warn you it's not so cute when it's 3 am, you're sleep deprived and he's yelling maaaaaa!! and pulling on your hair to wake you to play with him..hehe..
nurul aini,
right now he's still limited by the fact that he can't walk yet..i don't know what will we do once he can...huhu
no problem..i gigit him ALL the time too!! he loves it..and then tries to bite me pulak..waaa!
yesss...i'm trying to get myself ready...huhu
ummi saeed,
really?really?you're not lying right???hehe...i wish he'll stay a baby for as long as possible =)
OMG! Adam is super duper cute! suke tgk chicky smile dia when he explores underneath almost everything!! bttr b careful nnt under kain org pon dia teringin nk explore! hehehehehe... so comel!! gerams!!
Aida, dadam sgt comel and cuteee!!! dengan badan kenit die tu..semalam jumpe x puas pegang die sbb die bad mood..bile kite nak double-and-a-half-date ni? ;)
oh he's already explored underneath my kain...hope no one else gets explored!
yeah sayang dia bad mood smlm..balik tu terus bom pengsan sampai esok pagi...kepenatan..lenkali kite dating eh? bilela ntah..
mak aii.. elly busy skang ni.. dah lama tak bukak blog aida.. sekali bukak.. hambik bnyk update.. tak tau nak comment kat mana...
hehehe.. sgtlah comel gambar2 diatas!!!! hehehehe... yg ngan pasta tu cute miut!!! ;)
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