i've been planning and sewing for this particular project for a LONG time...but since it's a big project, and i was sewing slowly in between other projects...tu yg lama sgt nak siap this project..
i made bags for all of Adam's teachers...all 6 of them, including 2 of them yg dah resigned to pursue their futher studies...They're very special girls..i think they deserve all the best things in life..these bags are not really enough to reflect how much i appreciate them, but i hope it made them happy =)
cantik sangat...
mommy adam ada jual bag ni tak?
oli nak beli laaa...
sebab unik sangat...
suka suka suka
wah!! sungguh kagum la dgn u mommy adam! i've been flipping through ur blog ni since i stumbled upon it a couple of weeks ago...sungguh creative & pandai menjahit & i wonder when do u sit down and do all these since u pun working kan?..btw,tgn i dah gatal2 nak try jgl ni..mesin jahit baru dpt tp blum tau how to operate ..hihihi..:)))..
p/s: i'm adding ur link @ my blog..i'm truly addicted ni..bole kan? ;)
u beli fabric kat mana...cantik la!
impressed dengan kerajinan u.. cayalah!! i personally like the white one!
i tak jual actually..but i'm flattered you asked =) how much are you willing to pay agak2?hehe
mama shazzy,
eh i takleh viewla blog you..tq for adding me =) you're lucky you have your own machine..i need to buy one too....anyway, i find time here and there..i'm sure you will too...hehe
most of these bag fabrics i beli kat nagoya...in the home deco section..
that's my favourite one too! my favourite fabric yg sayang betul nak guna...but the bag went to someone really special so it's totally worth it..
mommy adam..blog yg dlm profile tu mmg tak wujud..itu my testing region je..hehhee..my blog add: mamashazzy.blogspot.com..come2 drop by..;)
creative and baik hati nya la mommy adam ni, umi fatiha nih tk smpat pn buat ape2 tuk her teachers kat nursery tu.
nway: thanks a lot for ur advice, fatiha is now fully on BF (and EBM)! im soo happy!
mama shazzy,
tq =)
alah awin..dah 6 bulan kot adam dok kat nursery tu baru sempat siap bag2 utk cikgu2 tu...huhu
eh really??? you berjaya fully bf fatiha???alhamdulillah!!!congratulations!!!! you deserve an award!yay!
cantiknyaa bag ni! nak satu jugak boleh? heheh
Seriously, aku nak order satu beg leh tak... I pay.. pastu ko courier gi ofis aku.. hehe FOC lah nanti..
wahh cantik bag. nice and neat workmanship. hehehehe. beli la kain polka dots. bleh buat bag range polka dot plak. awwwwww
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