Last weekend bangun pagi tgk cuaca mcm best je….immediately we head out to Putrajaya…hubby nak practice his photography skills lagi…yahoo…but this time I wanted him in the photos too…sian dia asik dok blakang kamera jer…lgpun saya jeles tgk gambar2 family Nannoor cantik2, aci tak mcm tu…hehe…sempena Adam 9 months ni kite buat Family photoshoot lah pulak ek…dgn bantuan tripod..hehe..

penat hubby trying to be both in front and at the back of the camera =) tapi hasilnye i love it! thank you bang!!!
to see more photos, view
tghari tu pulak pegi my friend punya wedding...
selamat pengantin baru looked beautiful, truly...your husband pulak nampak sgt happy dah kawen sampai asik tersengih2 je guys are so sweet together =)

(to the girls, sape2 yg rase muka korg tak comel dlm gamba diatas jgn komplen ok..sila letak gamba lagi cute dlm blog masing2 yg dah bersarang tak update tu...hehe)
and as promised, Unce gamba ko...hehehe...Adam cam curious sgt tgk muka ko...huhu
adam macam hafiy laaaa
my huby kata : nak bli kamera mcm taufiq la
dot, adam mcm terpegun je tgk uncle badius..huhuu..and i love the black and white pic!
bila nak kasi diorg main sama lagi ni..hehe..ckp kat hubby you, best tau kamera tu...yg best modelnye lah...hehe
a'ah kan lawak je tgk haritu the black and white pic tu..nampak betul2 vintage!
weh..nice pic u guys have!
harusla adam dah carik geng dr awal2..geng ngan badiuz ok
tq! baju sama lak diorg...huhu
Dear Adam Mikhael,
Jangan risau... uncle ada buat rawatan muka.. kadang2 uncle pakai 'Biore Pore Cleansing Nose Strips' nanti hilang la tu black heads kat hidung uncle tu.. jangan risau k? take care Adam. Send my regards to ur mom. Say hi to ur lovely daddy. Just want u to know that he really loves u. Cuma lately nampak berisi sikit. Banyak makan nasi kenduri la tu..
- the one and only.. Uncle Badiuz
uncle badiuz,
patutlah licin muka uncle yer..selicin kulit saya! daddy saya berisi pun hensem tau....hehe
eh the pengantin lelaki is my officemate ~ Ajad.
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