i've been making lots of bags...slowly...for some special people...i'll reveal yg dah kasi pada tuan punya dulu...

This bag i made for my sister, MakSu Adam..i let her pick her favourite fabric from my collection (bacause she can be picky!hehe). she didn't think the red and black would go well together, but i think they do...what do you think?
bila dah siap she said lawa! so...oklah tu..bukan senang nak dgr budak tu ckp lawa...hehe...
i should've taken a photo of her with the bag...terlupa...anyways, here she is with Adam...Adam sudah manja dgn MakSu dia...
yup.. red and black do go well together... btw bag pattern u design sendiri is it?
cantik jugak kan red&black..yes i just modified the design from another bag that i made up myself..not very complex, really..
coolio! where do u shop for fabrics?
lawa!! yeah where do u get ur fabrics. really cool lah the designs
ummi saeed & awanis,
these particular ones i bought from Nagoya dkt tesco kajang..they have some cool selection of heavy weight home deco fabric...murah jugak...eloklah utk buat bag, no need interfacing..
dot, comel nye bag tu. for me red and black looks well together. pandai m.su die buat dadam senyum..dot,can i just perasan that i'm one of the "special people?". hehehe..
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