I have been looking for ways to protect my precious woolies from the dreaded urm, creature (wool m*th) especially now that it's summer and bugs are crawling out of nowhere..I'm certain that I don't want to use m*th balls, I mean come on, the smell of m*th balls on yarn is probably worse than actually having the creatures eating up my yarn. I came upon the wonderful fact that lavender is great for warding off m*ths with the smell.

So I got a kilo's worth of loose dried lavender from
this shop. Pretty cheap, especially when it arrived about as big a bag as a basketball.

and then I sewed up a stack of little lavender pillows. Using just whatever little scraps of fabric in my scrap bag.

To make a lavender pillow is really simple. Just cut up 2 pieces of scraps into a shape - circle, rectangle, square, triangle, heart, whatever you fancy - and sew them up leaving a little hole. Here I've made it simpler by using a pair of pinking shears to cut the shape (just free-hand the shape, no one is going to check if your square leans to the right) and just top-stitch around, leaving a gap. Use the gap to fill with lavender, and when finished, sew up the gap. Takes less than half an hour to make a few pillows from cut to finish.

The smell is divine. Initially I just needed them for my wool stash, but because I have extra, I scattered them around the house - living room, under the pillows (lavender is great for relaxing and helps with sleeping too) - and now the whole house smells wonderful. I'm thinking they would be great in the closet, underwear/sock drawer, shoe rack too, don't you think?
salam aida.. can u email me.. i nak tanye u sumthing la.. thnx :)
ooppss.. my email ddmin78@gmail.com
my email address is aidafiqs@yahoo.com.
oh my..i wonder how much that will cost in malaysia aida! haha.
Very cute and attractive pillows for decorating. Thank you for sharing. Keep it up.
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