..is Adam's favourite colour. When we moved into this house, he has his own room, and he wants everything in it to be blue.

This bed is actually his old cot that we bought for him before he was born. He slept in it..maybe twice? Anyway, we converted the cot into a toddler bed for him. To make the beddings, I took him to the fabric store to choose the fabric himself. He was very specific, ok buy this colour for the selimut, this one for the bantal..

no cartoons or polka dots...just plain no-nonsense colours...hmm...not my style, but it's his room...

when the room is ready my husband asked him if he wanted to sleep in his own room. Before bedtime he asked his Daddy 'Dad, can I sleep in your room tonight?'
cute.. teringt..time i kecik2 dulu pun nk tido dgn parent
my kids mmg tido dgn i pun..saje gimmick je bilik blue dia ni kan...kot2 teringin lak ke nak bilik sendiri...
wah Adam ada talent to be interior designer ni..
my kids pon still tido dengan kami lagi..harap2 bila haziq dah cukup 7 tahun dia nak tido dalam bilik dia sendiri
hehe. i pun dah start tanya rayyan bout his own room. rayyan cakap kalau belikan katil upin ipin baru dia nak tidur katil sendiri
so cute,adam...xpe,slowly but surely...dont put pressure on him..my eldest sleep asing when he's 6,tu pon w a few T&C,haha..
maybe u can accompany him till he doze off,then u left..juz to get him familiar w the room..juz my two cents.. ;)
kalau adam jd interior designer semua bende dia nak blue je...haha..
kak fathin,
dia minat upin ipin eh?
thanks for the advice. We're in no rush to move him into his own room. still enjoying having him with us. saje je decorate bilik dia sbb dia yg semangat bila kata that's his own room...dia sendiri dok cuci toilet dia, pastu plan soh beli tmpt hang towel lah, handwash la, tong sampah la, lampu lah...sampai kalau nak pee pun dia lari pegi pee toilet dia sendiri la kononnya....
Thanks for making the honest strive to give an explanation for this. I think very sturdy approximately it and wish to be informed more. If it’s OK, as you
Thhanks great post
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