Last Saturday we went to Taman Burung, KL...Adam loves birds..hari2 ajak nak pegi tgk Chipchip (bird) Kalau kite buat bunyi chip! he points to the door, or if we're outside he points up..so we thought, jomla bwk dia pegi tgk bird byk2..biar dia tercengang...yo, bestnye...we went really early in the morning...

greeted by this lovely love bird, tgh mkn jagung..

dpt main chicks...sukaaaa...in the pic i'm trying to hold it away from adam..cos dia excited nak cekau chick tu...

this peacock is so beautiful she almost seem unreal in this pic kan...byk sgt peacock there..berjalan-jalan sesuka hati mereka kat dlm park tu..sampai saya takut pulak rase mcm peacock tu kejar saya n Adam...hehehe...

Adam tired (check out the messy hair!) but happy..

parrot house dia really nice...beautiful parrots yg sgt2 bising chip!chip!chip! dan bebas je kat situ ramai2..nak kasi mkn/pegang pun boleh...tapi saya takut...hehehe...

one great weekend, one happy family!
kesimpulan mmg bestla tmn burung for a relaxing outing..adam mmg tercengang habis smpi speechless...
pasni jom check out tmn kupu2 pulak...or tmn rusa...or tmn orked kat situ....yahoo....
tq 4 the entry. now I hv something 2 look forward on the weekend:). adam & ziyad hv this in common - they share their special interest in birds! ziyad too, will point his finger outside the house each time i make the pitpitpit sounds;)
activity yg sgt close to nature..hehe, I LIKE!!;)
lama nye tak 'Go Nature'!!
asik pegi tpt aircond je :(
wah bestnya...
bile la nk bawak hafiy g jalan2 ni...
yes..do go there, i recommend it..best bwk anak..so relaxing..
ayu and fizah,
best kan once in a while go back to nature...boring asik2 pegi jusco...hehe...
relax dulu...kang adik excited lak nak kuar join sekaki...hehehe...
aida, mmg byk tempat leh explore kat sana tuh..nanti bile ko g lagi leh makan ikan bakar dekat hosp tangling tuh
adam ni hari2 bertambah comel
series..tofik boleh buat full time freelance photographer. cun sgt2 gamba peacock tuh! mcm dlm magazine!
and the pics are SOO AMAZING!!
we shud take babyEmir to the park as well!
thnx for the idea!
hi there i do open order from LV till Dec 13.Hampstead MM for only RM3999.msia price is RM4950! grab urs now sis some item u could save up to RM4k!its monogram griet.selling for RM3899.msia price is RM6150!thanks darling
aida, boleh bagi exact add tak nak pegi kedai ur uncle. thanks in advance.
hehe..tomei sgt Adam wat muka letih tuh..kiut arr...hehe!!
Oja pn suker bird, nmpk je burung terbang or ada kt atas2 jalan kt depan umah..dia dh kecoh dh..tunjuk2..'mama..bird..bird...'
mmg hubby dok plan nk bwk pegi zoo...tp asyik tertanguh jer...
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