Remember my first post on simplifying, i said i want to try Cloth Diapers...but at the time thought that it was too big a step to take..but someone (Thanks Farrah!) gave me a slap on the face (not literally!) when she told me that 1 disposable diaper takes 500 years to decompose! 500 years!! imagine how many dispo Adam has had the past year...oh God..i just HAD to do something...make a move, even if small...
So i studied CDs and with help from Farrah and many other helpful CD mommies, i bought some Bum Genius pocket diapers from My Baby Pittstop. The owner was nice to work with. Here are the CDs..
the top one is Clementine, which is my favourite. it actually looks like a very pretty yellow, not orangey like the pic. the other two are Moonbeam and Ribbit..both very nice colours and prettier in person. sorry i tak pandai pakai my hubby's camera..the closing on these diapers are Velcro..
This is the inserts that came with each diaper. looks and feels like towel. it's microfiber and the labels says 70%polyster and 30%nylon i think...
I've only tested them once last weekend..tak berani nak kasi nursery lagi...i'll try until i myself feel confident firstlah :)
Testimonial: So easy to use. Exactly like normal dispo diaper. It didn't leak at all. fits nicely. In terms of handling the poo-poo, i find it not so bad actually Of course Adam decided to poop within the first half hour of wearing the first diaper (Clementine! tak sempat i nak amik pic dia pakai...heheheh) i scraped the poo-poo out into toilet bowl with a plastic spoon and just flush. the stain i sprinke with bicarb (yes, another use for bicarb, it will prevent staining and absorb the smell) and put in a dry pail. later just toss everything into the washing machine and wash with half the amount of laundry detergent together with his other clothes ..
then when i check after the cycle is done, there's still some staining. So i brush a bit by hand, then put again in WM in the rinse cycle...came out clean and fresh..
great! at least now i know a little bit more about CDs..i'm not scared of them anymore! hopefully slowly we can transition into full-time CD-ing! even the CDs i tgk mcm senang je nak jahit..if only i have the fabric..i will definitely try to make them...
P/S: Chun and Faie, try la CDs since baby lahir lagi naturale! senang, tak susah rupenye...nnt kalau kite jumpa2 aku bwk CDs ni korang boleh pegang2..heheh...
ive bought some drybees pocket for my coming baby too!tapi kena tunggu lah baby kuar baruleh try n review. hehe
thank u aida for the review psl i pun tgh study lgi psl CD nih, susah sgt nak paham :(
wow aida.. thanks lagi sekali. actually i tgh ragu2 nak start CD. hopfuli i could start to buy few pcs soon.
aida, dari i baca, boleh nak jahit CD sendiri pakai material biasa (i mean bukan PUL/waterproof type).. then pakai diaper cover.
mcm tu maybe lagi murah kut.. lagipun u mmg suka jahit kan. :D
Aida..frankly speaking aku just x comfortable in idea of cd.. especialy part "scraped the poo poo" erghhh.. ntah laa.. btw i do respect other choice... go Mummy.. go!!
i recently bought drybess pocket and hybrid AIO too! tapi tak receive lagi..can't wait to try them..
me too..pening. but some mommies on the MBW forum has been really helpful in helping me choose..u gi la tgk kat forum..
i know what u mean..i've been really hesitant too..thank God i finally made the move..betul u ckp, boleh buat the CDs pakai any material then pakai cover kan?good idea..thanks tuty!
it's ok..i've been really doubtful too in the past..but i guess i'm now feeling more uncomfortable at the idea of filling the landfils with non-biodegradable dispo diapers, than scraping my son's poop..but like u said, i also respect and undertand other moms' standpoint..
i've been contemplating whether or not to use cd sejak i'm pregnant with my second child... my second son pun dah 2+ yo tapi ur entry ni membuatkan i rasa nak kuatkan hati nak cuba cd nih... thanx ya!
trillion congrates for you..
jealousnya dgn your inner strength to use CD..
one of my friend pun for their first child guna CD yg macam org dolu2 pakai tuh.. n her husband very helpful..bila dah pakai tlg rendam dgn air panas then basuh dgn tgn sendiri lg..
n sebenarnya mesti terasa sgt bahagia bila org tgk ampaian rumah kita bersidaian lampin color putih byk2...(cheh angan2 nih utk anak kedua next feb)
but, bila I suggest to my hubby, mmgla dia sokong..tapi bila I citer bab nak rendam air panas, kena basuh pakai tangan baru betul2bersih, then hubby boleh sengih2...
actually dah beli CD biasa anakku yg ada corak2 colourful tu, tak sabar nak pakaikan n tgk betapa cutenya baby bila pakai..hihi...
hmm.. taktaula menjadi tak angan2 nih...
anyway again congrates aida azni..
p/s: the bicarb tuh tak bagi effect kat tangan ke?
pocket diaper meaning doesn't need cover kan?? nice..
Isk...wanted to try CD as well..tapi mcm rumit sangat pulak rasa..
mmg complicated, n no thanks to u i dah jadi CD-crazy, hahahah
btw, is BG 3.0 worth getting three? i igt nk try mix n match since this is my first time like u... purchased one fitted MPB and one pocket drybeee for starting. n i thot nk try BG. what u think?
n.i, susah pun..
not really inner strength is needed, just a change of mindset. if you can manage that, anyone can do it too i'm sure. especially with all the new CD systems, alhamdulillah dah dipermudahkan...
undomestic wifey,
a'ah pocket takyah pakai cover dah. taklah rumit sgt actually..tryla sikit2...hehe
congrats lily! so far seems like BG one of the best brands. worth getting 3 or not depending on your plan and budget lah :) for i mix and match also, have bought some HH, MPB fitted,Drybees, BB fitted and blueberry minky. i bought enough to fully transition. tak arrive lagi. will give update later on their performance...goodluck lily!!
Jus for the info, disposable cotton diapers decompose within six months.
wah... bnyk rupenye ur purchases, lol. kat mana nk cariek blueberry minky? drybees size s pun susah nk cariek... n maybe i shud tmbh fitted later... can't wait to try them out =)
Aida sorry nak iklan jap...
Boleh eh?
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hi aida, luv reading ur blog. just to share, i jahit sendiri my AIO CD. u can see it in my blog.. tatacara amik kat utube. jahit sendiri lagi best sebab jimat duit - mencapai matlamat pemakaian CD itu sendiri. selamat mencuba..
aidaaaaaaaaaaaa... fast2 post gambar ur diaper collection!!! i tgh gila MPB =P i want reviews from a newbie! lol
bicarb tu yg serbuk ke dah campur dgn air? ingat nak try cd jugak tapi maybe dalam 2 minggu lepas pantang ke..:)
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