adam playing during our recent trip to the Transport Museum with the Portman Centre kids

our current favourite - homemade pizza

adam playing in the sandpit

the carboot sale on Saturdays is great. bring 5 quid and you can come home with your arms full..got lots of nice toys for Adam here..
aida..love all the pics..
adam and the sandpit..and of coz the SALE crowd..eheh
Adam dah semakin confident dah sekarang.
Miss u Adam!
the pizza looks yummy! nyumm nyumm
suka carboot sales too!!!! kalau lah ada carboot kat mesia ni (yg best cm kt UK)
adam macam budak besar jer..rindu kat dia.....PakUda&MakUda
salam perkenalan Aida..hopefully we can exchange link..kat stadium Shah Alam pon ada car boot sale tapi sekarang dah berwajah baru..dah lame xg so xtahu macamana rupanya..huhuhu..btw, best anak u..kecik2 dah dapat kenal tempat orang=)
bestkan sandpit dia..
betul2! he's getting much more confident!
i never realised how easy it was to make a pizza!try it!
tulah..tapi rasenye ade kot kat shah alam? i tak penah pegi..
pak uda & mak uda,
baca blog eh..segannye..hehe. nampak adam dah grown up skarang kan...
salam zaila..thank u for visiting!
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