The last time we were in Venice, we were on a budget europe tour - Kelana Konvoy with our friends. We were not a couple yet, but about to fall in love :) Venice means a lot to us. I've always thought it's the most romantic city in the world..maybe because of the memories we had there..

Here we are, 6 years later. He definitely chose the best place to go for our anniversary. Thank you bang :) He's a romantic at heart, really..hehe..thank you..love you so much!

We went to Murano island too this time, popular for Murano glass. The jewelery made from Murano glass are absolutely stunning..

Adam had the most fun at S.Marco square, where there are a lot of friendly pidgeons. He fed them biscuits..byk gak biscuits yg masuk mulut adam sendiri..hehe..dia tak takut langsung nak pegang birds..

From Venice, we took the midnight train to Rome. Oh God, Rome is...how do i describe it..
majestic, yes. All the buildings are old and beautiful, and so well preserved, even the shops. These buildings are made to last. You cannot help but admire the powerful civilisation that once was here..

We had a terrific time there as you can see..hehe..

May our love last forever...insyaAllah...
aida! i've been dreaming of Florence lately :( korang tak g sana ke? if ada nak tengok gambar..hehe, i watched about the glass factory earlier..hehe and u must have the best time in you life kat sana kan..
adam cute la kan as forever
kurik, bile lagi tu??
p/s tetiba teringat the 1st time u showed taufiq's pic ..hehe
tentu best giler....trip dgn org yg kita sayang...anyway...wish u alway happy with hubby n dadam...
Aida.. such a sweet honeymoon trip.. bestnyer... stay until the end yaaa..
k long..gamba 1st tu seblom couple la? of all the places..imi tak pnah pergi lagi "the most romantic city in the world"..tatau bile lagi bleh gi italy
ur turn coming very soon ;)
tak penah pegi la florence tu ernie..eh cop, bila aku show taufik's pic for the 1st time?ur memory is terrific..pls record my memories for me..aku tak ingat langsung..
thank you!
a'ah..gamba first tu blom couple lagi..taufik tgh tekel2..hehe..syok gi italy..tapi this time rase mcm rome lagi lawa pulak..
heh kurus gile die pic tu..pic adam tu..gile concentrate die kat burung tu..just curious..camne luzern to u kalo compare dgn venice..or rome?
a'ah..seblom kawen mmg dia kurus gile..hehe..Luzern pun sama lawa..comparable to venice.cam romantic n charming..tp rome lain sket..sbb buildings dia,rase mcm back in time, tgk civilisation rome dulu2..
Dear Aida ,
i have been reading ur blog silently since u left the office .
My deep condolence to your family - losing ur dad . have a safe journey home dear!
Al Fatihah ...
bestnye.. kiut.
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