Just arrived back in London early this morning.
Thank you everyone for all the kind comments, i really appreciate it.

This photo was taken in 2005, in Sheffield during my graduation. My father already suffered from cancer and had lost a lot of weight and lost some of his sense of balance. But he was so happy and enthusiastic during this trip, as if he wasn't even ill. We went all over the UK - his old Uni in Manchester, Leeds, Scotland. He loved it here. He often talked about coming back when he gets better..But i guess he's gone to a better place. I believe he is free there, able to talk, to walk, to eat...instead of suffering here..that's the only thought that keeps me sane.
Abah, I love and miss you so much...
salam aida,
it's ok, selalu2 sedekah bacaan Al-Quran utk arwah ayah awak...anyway, how old is your dad?..kuatkn hati awak, jgn sedih2..:)..inshaAllah arwah lebih tenang kt sana...:)
I may never understand what you're going through. But I'd love to know that you'll be strong... take care ok...
Alhamdulilah...dah selamat semuanyer....your mom sihat?,
be strong ya..how about adam...hopefully semua sihat hendaknyer...
aida.. b strong k... take care of urself & ur family...
-mama emma-
salaam Aida..
what cancer did he have?
my dad has lymphoma stage 4 diagnosed in 2004. he's still hanging on.
i understand ur hardship..but he's more comfortable where he is right now, I'm sure.
take care.
takziah aida.
a little too late, i know.
anyway, i hope you'll be strong.
Aida, be strong dear..selalu2 sedekahkan yasin pada arwah..Insya Allah arwah bahagia di sane...
aida! ko dah balik dah, aku tak smpat nak singgah rumah ko haritu coz bz with the work outside KL. Aku dah sedekah kan Yasin untuk ayah ko..So sorry!
Tuhan Maha Menyayangi..He knows that your dad cant take the suffering anymore here..thats y He took him..
I am so sorry and harap ko kuatkan hati, semangat dan sentiasa sedekah al fatihah untuk dia
Hi aida
My sympathy goes to you and your family..it is hard to lose someone you love...but i'm sure he's in better place right now..if you dont mind may i know what type of cancer he suffered from?
I had an aunt who passed away of ovarian cancer last month. It was only 2 months after she was diagnosed with late stage of the disease. My grandad (who practically raised me)died of lung cancer and my uncle died of non-hodgkin lymphoma..ya..seems like it runs in the family...so my point is that cancer prevalency now is pretty intense compared to those old days...for those who have suffered of it,,lets just pray for the best for them.I pray that you'll be granted by Allah strength to face this hard time.And as a person who's doing research in cancer, i would suggest that you check your family history who had suffered (if there is)the same or closely related to the type of cancer that your dad had. Not to freak you out but as precaution step for you to control and monitor your health as best as you can. It is always good to join as control group in any cancer research conducted by several institutions, especially now that you're in the UK, cancer research is well established and i'm sure that they're looking for public participants as a control or targeted group. But as a fan of your blog,,i can see that you are leading a healthy lifestle and i really admire that. Finally,take good care of yourself and send my warmest regards to little adorable Adam.
aida, glad to hear from you again..it had me reminiscing something that i want to tell you long before..wrote in my blog
if you have time. take care!
takziah aida..mudah2an Allah tempatkan ur dad di kalangan org2 beriman..stay strong kay..
selalu2 doakan kesejahteraan dia 'di sana'. tu antara harta yang dibawa.
banyak sedekahkan alfatihah...selalu bacakan yassin.
bila sesorang itu pergi...doa dari anak yang soleh/solehah yang akan dibawa pergi.
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