Oh my God I finally finished it! I started knitting this blanket more than a month ago...I knit slowly on and off...after a while it felt like it's never going to be finished...i started to wonder if i'm gonna have to knit like a maniac while in labour just so i could have Baby wrapped in it as soon as she comes...
I used up 7 balls of yarn...it's really soft and cuddly..when this picture was taken I haven't washed and blocked it yet...it was narrow and thick especially because of the cable pattern..when blocking it I stretched it a bit width-wise so it's thinner and wider now..just the perfect size..
This blanket goes straight into my hospital bag...just can't wait to have Baby rolling around in this...
You really are sooooooooooooo amazingly crafty! Baru belajar knit and your blanket looks like the one I bought from Mamas & Papas for my girls. Well done you! I'm sure your little one will look ever so cute all bundled up in mummy's custom blanket especially with the weather we're having at the moment.
aida.. i lost my words :)
dot, nape blue?(standard kalo girl semua nak pink pink aje kan) supaya big bro pun leh tumpang skali ek? ehehhe..anyway, sgt cun and comfy la blanket ni. bile baby nak kuar?
i ikut pattern je...but i love Mamas and Papas stuff so i'll take that as a compliment :) tq!
thank you!
the colour is actually purple...nampak cam biru ek dlm pic...ntahla bila baby nak kuar...
wow! the close-up angle tu yg buat jantung jadik dug-dag dug-dag; sambil kepala geleng2 "aida.. aida.."
hehehe.. dasat tak expression aku?
it's one helluva marvellous piece!
ko mesti jadik guru aku k? really looking forward jadik anak murid, seriously!
hihih i like aina's comment :D
aida, nnt ada masa buat tutorial pls? video.. sbb kalau baca knitting tutorial.. hampas tak masuk kepala.
i sokong altuty suggestion...i pernah nk blajar knit ms pregnant yg first..mmg xfhm...last2 project terbengkalai dh nk masuk 4thn....:P..semangat je bli yarn sume..buku...last2 xbuat sbb xreti2...
wah cantiknyer... i'm also expecting my third one, and i have been visiting your blog religously just to see what's ur latest project for the baby... i have many cellular blankets but i feel like having one (though mmg tak relevan sgtlah kat msia nih kan) of the knitted one. Ermm... tapi nak sgt2 buat quilt for the baby, mmg useful, i bought mamas and papas one for my eldest, she's still using it till now, she's 6 yo, and the quilt that i bought last time was the cotbed size... cuma very soon she'll outgrow it... oh aida... i wish... i wish...
aida, u really wise in finding the things to do to kill the time..good for u..tanak la jadi cliche fulltime housewife yg buat keje2 rumah je kan?
-M.A nak lahir sama birthday ngn aunty fizah ke? hehe
it's purple..so u! cantik
ahh... cantiknye aida!!
alamak malunye...aku ikut pattern jelah....
you mean video for basic knitting ke?no prob...though if you want you can look up youtube...byk sgt video tutorial on knitting..
kalau dah ade yarn lagi bagus..boleh terus try..cuba tgk video kat youtube...or nanti i try buat video k...
thank you..you like to sew too ke?tryla buat quilt..tapi quilt kene byk sabar la...i jenis kurang sabar sikit..hehe...tapi hampir siap quilt baby insyaAllah...nanti i upload gamba..how sweet that your daughter still ade her baby quilt until now!!! rase semangat i nak buat quilt lagi utk baby :)
ehem, knitting IS a 'cliche' houwewife activity..
it IS so ME! hehe..passing on my colour choices to Baby nampaknye ek...hehe
thank you!!
bg guide sekali apa yg perlu ada in basic knitting.. i look at those knitting books, byknye jarum nak pakai?? dah la clueless, jadi hopeless dah.
hihi ok nnt tgk kat youtube.
p/s: i pnah tgk knit pattern.. tak paham!
boleh order from u ke?... i oso want this for my second baby.
aida, where did u get the pattern for it? i've been meaning to make one for my dot for ages! she loves to haul her blanky around but even the baby sized ones are too big for her so it'll drag along the floor and cepat kotor T_T.
i was thinking i'd make one for her in a slightly Dayana-frenly size, but until now i'm not sure where to start. huhu.
the blanket is gorgeous...u r really one talented lady... :)
btw, i sewed 6 bags, 3 nursing covers, cloth pantiliners and 1 is still in the process...it's a 'sophia bag' by amy butler. will email u the pic once i finish making it.
p/s: do u have fb acc?
aidaaaaaaaaaa.... pattern help pliz? =(
Cantik la blanket nie,may i know what kind of yarn you use?Dan kat mana selalu beli benang ya,kat malaysia nia benang semua mahal2.ada sesiapa yg beli online x?
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