Yes, it is finished!!!! I am beside myself with relief. It took me a total of 4 months to finish it, on and off. I was worried it was going to turn into one of those projects that were started but never finished. But finished it I did, phew.

It's the first sweater I ever made, and the first adult item I knitted too. It took 14 skeins of yarn (Rowan's Summer Tweed - beautiful yarn to work with. Gorgeous shade of green and the fabric it knitted to is soft and tweedy. If you plan to use this yarn, I would suggest using aluminium knitting needles instead of wooden ones because the tweed effect gives it a bit of friction, making it harder to knit with wood )
Here's a zoomed up photo of the intricate pattern. To create this pattern, a cable needle is used throughout every right side row, which is the reason why it takes so long to finish it. But I liked the challenge, and I think it probably brought me up another level as an 'intermediate' knitter instead of a beginner. To any knitters interested, the pattern is from Nora Gaughan's Men collection. All of the knit in that book looks terrific. I wish I had time to knit them all.

Unfortunately I suspect he's not going to fall head over heels in love with it. I've run into a few issues with its sleeves. The sleeves seemed to have grown a few inches and flared out at the bottom, all by itself, within the first wear. I have no idea how to go about fixing it, since you can't
cut and sew a knit, you see. Or can you? does anybody have any ideas? It's my gift for my husband for our last winter in London, so I need it to be awesome. Help please!
Gigit jari tgk baju tu. Terrornyaa aida. Bertuah taufiq, adam n mia, boleh pakai pakaian knitted mommy handmade.
omg. taufik sila sayang aida byk2 okey? hihihihi..
this piece is truly more than words can say, innit?
aida, i don't care if u say this is not your own pattern or etc; but the effort and patience tu yg paling pricey.. well done, girlfriend!
omg, sgt2 kagum, i used to think knitting is mustahil .. huhu, i salute u, by the way, my name's aida too and i ve been following ur blog lama dah, br komen. i know u from ernie :)
sgt jeless sbb pandai kait..sgt cantik!! sure k.aida sgt penyabar n tekun kan.... berbunga-bunga laa hati incik suami bila pakai sweater tu..bestnyaaa laa
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