We had a little party to celebrate Adam's birthday, just the 4 of us.

Here's the birthday boy, sitting on the dining table, with his birthday cake. That's also where he later climbed on, to dig into the cake
by hand, enjoying its fudgy chocolatey goodness. The cake is a chocolate brownie - recipe by Annabel Karmel that i've perfected over the summer. Ok I know it's silly to have a chocolate brownie for a birthday cake (that's why it's still in the baking tray) but its yummy and he loves it.

Adam's birthday crown - pattern from 'The Creative Family'. It was really simple to make, but birthday boy absolutely refused to wear it! I should have known, he hates having anything over his head.

One of my birthday gift for Adam is this jacket. Took me about a couple weeks to make it. A really quick, awesome pattern (free too!).

I used a chunky size wooly yarn. email me if anybody would like a link to the pattern. The whole jacket is basically knit in stockinette stitch.

Another handmade gift for Adam - a pair of linen pants, with an embroidered train (of course!). I lined it with some cotton knit to make it warm enough for autumn. I might need to make more of this, because he needs elastic waist pants now -
he's fully potty trained! Alhamdulillah, even when we go out, he doesn't wear his nappies anymore...

this girl probably thought it was her birthday too ;)

he really had a lot of fun...

his birthday presents...
I hope he enjoyed his birthday. At 3 years old, he is kind, considerate and very protective of his sister. He has his tantrums, and he sits on his sister too sometimes, but he always remember to apologise sincerely without being asked. His vocabulary is mainly English these days, and he amazes me everyday with new phrases and words. He knows his 'please' and 'thank you'. His creative energy is flowing, I can feel it, and I feel so lucky to be around to watch it develop.
I am so proud of you Adam. Really proud.
I love you Baby. Happy Birthday.
happy birthday Adam!! be a good boy tau;)
cantiknya dress mia!!
happy birthday Adam!
cantiknya that sweater, your mom's fav color =)
hAppy birthdAy adam!!!!
he looks cheecky like ever and oh the pic of him in the wool jacket u did, he look so much like his dad now i think
and ohh my, geramnye tgk ur gal, soo bolatt. cuteness! and im pretty sure the dress was sewn by u too aight?
gosh, aren't they lucky!
happy 3-yrs-old b'day dadam!!!hehe..semoga membesar dgn cerianya..:)----unty hada
happy birthday dadam! moga jd anak soleh :)
thank you! i made that dress a few months back, (size 3-6 months) baru skarang muat..itupun besar gak lg..
he still calls it Mommy's 'knitting'. because he's seen me knitting it this whole time, he doesn't see it as his jacket.
i don't think they have the appreciation for mama-made clothes yet, but it was fun making them and i'm sure one day they'll appreciate the labour of love behind a simple pair of pants.
thank you aunty!
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