..is visiting! She came by herself on AirAsia. She's on holiday at the moment. Mia immediately warmed up to her. Normally she won't go near any 'stranger'. I suspect it could be because she kind of look like me.

Do you see the resemblance? Our late father used to mistake her for me and the other way around. The last time I called my brother he thought it was my sister calling him (even though she was in the house with him). So I suppose thats why Mia had no trouble trusting her right away.

We went to the park last weekend cos it was sunny. Yes I am still knitting that sweater. By now I've told everyone on blogland and my husband has bragged about his sweater to his whole family that i just must finish this sweater and it must must look good! hehe..

love this photo...

and this..oh..i just love it when they actually
play together..
We took the opportunity to ask my sister to take some photograph of us too..

once upon a time, ahem..(nampak single couple tak?)

the reality! hehe...
hope my sister will have a good time here...
fuh. finally! an update =) hee.
nice photos, as always..
eheh boleh focus tak ur blouse, so lovely
haha.. blouse tuu..
menarik entry ni...
aisyah makin cun lah..and nice pic! jeles..kat sana amik gamba apepun semua cantik2
what a sweet entry...
thanks for giving me the push i needed ;)
thanks for noticing! aku baru je beli blouse tu..hehe
tak sesia beli kan..hehe
thank you...
tgh autumn..good time for photography...
sukanya gamabr adam ngan mia 2 org tu!! and by the way.. love your boots aida!
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