We’re in Zurich to accompany Daddy whose doing a course here for a week. More story about Zurich later, I’d like to update on Adam’s recent activities first.
I went to the local Neighbourhood Centre last week and got some information about the activities in the community. It turns out many ‘toddler drop-ins’ sessions are held in scattered places around the area, all within walking distance to our flat. I was more excited than Adam, I think. The first session we attended was in the library. The local library has a children section and they have an “Under 5 year old” sessions once a week. So last week we went and had a blast!
They started with reading some books, followed by singing. Adam was kind of just watching nervously, probably wondering what this was about. Then he got sleepy and almost cranky. The next activity was art and he suddenly perked up and got thrilled! They let the kids play with glue and coloured papers and glitters and crayons – to make a snowman, really, but they can do what they like.
I went to the local Neighbourhood Centre last week and got some information about the activities in the community. It turns out many ‘toddler drop-ins’ sessions are held in scattered places around the area, all within walking distance to our flat. I was more excited than Adam, I think. The first session we attended was in the library. The local library has a children section and they have an “Under 5 year old” sessions once a week. So last week we went and had a blast!
They started with reading some books, followed by singing. Adam was kind of just watching nervously, probably wondering what this was about. Then he got sleepy and almost cranky. The next activity was art and he suddenly perked up and got thrilled! They let the kids play with glue and coloured papers and glitters and crayons – to make a snowman, really, but they can do what they like.
I also get to meet many other moms there, from many nationalities. Some of them Lebanese, Sudanese, Arab, German and also local. In London I’m guessing there may be more foreigners than local, which in a way is good because people are very open and welcoming to foreigners here. In this area particularly there are many muslims because we’re close to Edgware road, the Arab street.
group hug on the floor before we left. Adam was squashed there as you can see but he didn't mind..
At the end of the session, Adam and I registered as member to the library. We got our cards immediately and were able to borrow nice books that they had there. Adam chose many books for himself, he got so excited and wanted more, more. He’s at this stage where he loves reading so much and kept choosing his books and asking me to read them for him. I chose some craft books for myself, particularly on quilting, which I’m interested to try here. I’ve yet to find any good fabric store.
We also went to another Toddler Drop-in in a Centre last week which was even more amazing and a whole lot of fun for Adam. I will update soon.
ouh my! adam and the snow man..wow lizzie there..new gang adam
ohh..oh fun!!
library?? bunyik cam kemut tapi bile tgk gambar,library yg moden and best! hehehe..
adam surely having so much fun! update lagi dot! and more pic please..
aida...!!! been trying to reach u... i mailed u quite a number of times already... =P
cute kan diorg..
yes! i tgk pun excited..
definitely fun! it's just a small library but full of interesting items! great books for kids, great books for adults, free internet, dvds, music cds, cds to learn new language etc..plus all the activities..
insyaAllah will update more!
i don't check my 'business' email anymore. i'm sorry! u can email me at aidafiqs@yahoo.com. though in any case i rarely reply bcos we don't have internet! but insyaAllah i'll check the aidafiqshandmade mailbox soon to find ur email ok!
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