I know it's a bit late but here are some photos from the trip.

This is the hotel we stayed at, the Dream Castle hotel. It didn't look like much from outside, but it's the best family hotel we've ever been to. Adam loved it so much.

Why wouldn't he? How awesome are these wooden bunk beds? He often climbed up there to 'Adam's bedroom' to play games.

My handsome boys at a retail outlet near the hotel.

Hellooo Disneyland!!! Adam says it's Mickey Mouse's Clubhouse and he really really enjoyed himself there.

one of my fav photo..hehe

We chose Disneyland for our anniversary trip for many reasons - the kids will love it, it was near to London, just a short train ride away, and also there is another special reason. Many years ago at this very bench at Disneyland Main Square, somebody said three very important words for the first time...

accompanied by three little flowers picked right off the yard here.
don't laugh. we were young once, you know :)

Adam and Monster

during the Main Parade, we were lucky to get a good spot at the last minute (the whole sidewalks were crowded) and was selected with some other kids to join some dancing with the parade casts. I was quite surprised to see him happily joined in and danced.

Alhamdulillah...we had the most wonderful family time...

and the best part? the look of happiness on their faces. You can't put a price on that.
there is one setback though...since we've been back...Adam keep saying 'Let's go to Mickey Mouse house mom...i don't like Big Ben house....' oh dear...every time we look at the pictures, he started telling all the stories about Disneyland trip. He remembers every detail.
One word to decribe all these..
Awesome ;)
nice pictures and story behind it..sweet :)
happy anniversary sis!!~:)
and really enjoy the pics and stories behind it...AWESOME and LOVELY!!!
I am really adore your small happy lovely family..:D
happy anniversary aida & fiqs.
send my hugs n kisses to adam & mia
bestnyer aida!! jeles aku nk gi gak..huhu...
anyway let me guess?? kelana convoy??? :-)
thank you guys..i appreciate it!
izza, you know us well ;) btw, so glad to find your blog!
That last picture of Mia is so cheeky! :) And you guys get to meet the monsters themselves! Bestnya. Last year, takde :P
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