Some eye-candy for you from Nest, a lovely local yarn shop. Hands down the best yarn shop I've been to in London so far...

Beautiful display on the window, and outside a cosy little potted garden, with this little yellow bench that the kids could hang out at while Mommy shopped..

rows upon rows of gorgeous yarn...

the look of joy on my face! Why? not only were the yarns all yummy, they were affordable! I came out with a rather big bag of precious woolies..

pretty knick knacks..

comfy seating area if you feel like knitting..

and more space at the back for courses..
the shop is owned by a mother and daughter team, and when we were there the daughter and her husband was there...they were wonderful and helpful..and the husband is a muslim..

the kids surprisingly had a fun time too, out in the garden. Normally when we go to a yarn shop, within a couple minutes of arriving they would be begging (read: screaming to) me to go home. But this time they found bees, and ladybirds and butterflies at the garden...

and they decided to set up camp! I had over an hour of blissful yarn time and even then, they still refused to leave. We literally had to drag them out of there...
awesome, awesome shop...about an hour by public transport from my house though..if not, i probably would go there again (and again...). If you're a yarn lover in London, please take time to go to this lovely shop...
seronokkknye!! hari tu follow husband kursus kat penang, finally terjumpe gak 1 kedai "lady knitting & handcraft" ade jual benang yg cantik2 & best2. bole knitting kat kedai tu dgn owner lagi.the next day pegi lagi kedai tu,sgt2 excited nak knitting kat situ sampai tak sedar pakai baju terbalik.hehe.huhu.tapi itu kat penang...belah2 KL takdeeee ;( bangi ke penang jauhhh nye..huhuhu..
aida, open one when u return.
One day, kalau ada rezeki dapat pergi jalan-jalan London, I really want to go to handicrafts shops that sell beautiful/practical sewing stuff.
Ribbons, laces, buttons, handy tools.. the like. May be you can help to do the surveying (of course – at your own sweet time) and make recommendations for sewing lovers like us.
hi aida, thanks for the info, I might actually pop in to that shop as its nearby to me.
Need to ask you, Mia's lacy it EZ inspired February baby sweater? I want to knit one for my baby but how do you increase the size for 1 yr old pattern eh? I know its multiply many cast on did u do for 1 yr old size?
WOuld appreciate your help with my knitting block as per usual! thanx..
i did a search online..rasenye kat kl ade taktau quality mcmana..
i want to..thats the dream. insyaAllah..
there are a lot of those in london. but they are not exactly affordable sometimes. i like liberty for haberdashery..
yes it is EZ's february sweater! i took her advice about not worrying about size 'baby sizes varies and wool stretches' how very true! i followed the pattern cast on with DK weight wool and it fits her well, with room to grow, because of the swingy shape and lace pattern which can be blocked larger. i did the construction slightly differently though, making the cardigan totally seamless. if you decide to make this tell me and i'd be happy to explain lucky that you live near to nest! do give them a visit..
i realise that was a bit vague. my daughter is a little on the petite size so i know baby sizes around 6 months-1 year will fit her. other babies may not have the same size. the instruction says to cast on 50 stitches. and the gauge is 5 stitches to an inch (but bear in mind this is in stockinette) so the neck works out to be around 10 inch. measure your child's existing clothes and see if this is close to her size. the rest of cardigan is flared so no need to worry too much about the fit.hth!btw, are you on ravelry?
Salam kak aida.nice babywearing.what type is it?mei tai maybe?
hi aida
didnt realise my previous post is not here, i dont know why..but let me repost in case u didnt get it last time;)
yeah i'm on ravelry-couscous89..add me in! tho must say i didnt update my projects pics etc..lazy me..
as u mentioned,i dunno whether i shld cast on 50 or not, as EZ advised increases by 7 right? so what im thinking is, maybe i'll use aran weight instead so it will be larger than dk size?
btw nest is doing a knitting game on 9th july..shld we all go?
i nearly forgot to breathe when i saw the pictures of the shop. gorgeous!
Hi Aida, I've followed your blog for a while and love your thoughts about living and children and knitting! I'm in the midst of a homeliving website and would love to have you involved, possibly as a columnist. Can I please have an email address to have a further discussion. Jane Sunshine
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