Last weekend was Worldwide Knit in Public day. As usual it took a bit of persuading to get Adam out of the house (he always refuse and yet later will beg not to go home) but finally we made it out. It was a gorgeous day out, and we joined a gathering of people in Kensington Gardens in front of the Serpentine Gallery to knit together in public.

Adam was shy so the kids sit a bit of distance away and came to join me once in a while to watch us knitting...
It was a good day indeed..
I get to wear one of my knitting projects I just finished which I'm very happy about..the Elizabeth Zimmerman's Pi shawl.

This one is going to be an heirloom... and trust me it looks complicated but it's not. At all...So easy, and yet so beautiful! if you have a copy of the Knitter Almanac you must make one. I'd love to make another one, maybe in a silky laceweight..

I used natural Shetland wool (fingering weight, colour Katmollet) for this one and it is just lovely...Shetland sheep comes in a variety of colours (which is how fair isle began back then before colour dyes were available) and this is one of them.

Held together at the front simply with a crocheted flower (I crocheted a safety pin into the back of the flower) it makes a lovely wrap on a breezy summer(-ish) day.
this is one project I'm very satisfied about..I can imagine it being beautiful as a new baby's blanket, or as a decoration for the home and it'll make a gorgeous photo prop too..

Adam on that day learnt a new skill - scootering! bought that same day from Camden Market, when we got to the park he was a bit reluctant to try to learn it because every other kid around the park was using it fast and he didn't get the balance right yet..after some trials and error..he finally got the hang of it.
He said, "Yes! I got it now!". Him and the scooter has been inseparable since.
Aida!! I assume your knitting skill dah sampai expert level by looking at the product itself!! lovely shawl!
Anyway, I ingat shawl = selendang je. Didnt know this round thing pun panggil shawl.
I cant comment on your previous entry. Adam is so cute marah2 sebut Spabok Toxes.
Kat bookshop near my office byk jual buku knitting, tapi tak banyak pasal sewing. I tak berani try knit/crochet sb my sewing pun tak improve2 lagi. I got myself a new machine, now baru terkedek2 nak start balik, dah setahun agaknya stop.
It's so lovely. I wish i am talented like you to do knitting..
my sewing is also suffering as result of knitting. my sewing machine is literally covered in dust. shawls ade round, 3segi, long rectangle..etc.you must try ok, its addictive! what kind of knitting books and where is this shop?
talent has nothing to do with it. there are only 2 stitches and with those 2 you can do any pattern you want...
bestnyeeee.mcm nak dok london je.hehe..p/s: shawl tu sangattttt cantik!
Can I just say...that I will now finally go and buy the Knitter's Almanac?? That shawl is lovely!!!
p.s: This post made Mom and I reminisce about the wonderful days we spent at the park back in the UK...how we miss that!
thank you..
you must. Book Depository does them for just over 4 quid (cheaper than amazon). and they ship free worldwide. i know you love books so, go wild!
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