What struck me the most when we first arrive was how different this place was from anywhere we have been before. In London it was cold and damp, and a mere 2.5 hour flight later, suddenly it felt like summer. The sun is out, and we didn't even need a jacket. The climate here is very unique. Although it is winter, this part of Spain is sheltered from the harsh weather and retains a pleasant mild climate. Temperature is around 12 - 16C.

The hotel we stayed at was beautiful. Plenty of interesting things to do. The resort was by the beach and had outdoor and indoor pools , which is brilliant for Adam, because he has been asking to go swimming for weeks...(insisting on wearing his swim pants whenever we went for any trip, even in the cold winter and snow)

Upon arrival, we immediately explored the beach. The beach had soft black sand, and just a dream to roll around in. The kids loved it so much. We let Mia run around free. We were a bit concerned about her eating the sand but after the previous incident at children centre, we just let her be. She was so happy. She did try to eat the sand a bit, but most of the time she was walking around, picking up smooth rocks, running her fingers through the sand.

Adam making a border around his sandcastle. I noticed he is paying more attention to details and designs.

He had a little dip in the water.

And then later my husband and the kids went for a swim in the indoor pool. The outdoor pool was surprisingly cold despite the hot weather. Mia was excited! and bold! She ran around the outside of the pool and tried to jump back in the pool...

The day ended with a delicious dinner at a restaurant by the seaside as the sun is setting. More story to come about this restaurant, where we had many wonderful spanish food...
p/s: ernie, i know you're waiting for photos of Alhambra..hehe. It'll have to wait after Mia's birthday ok (tomorrow).
Been following you (senyap2) for quite sometimes..
Seronok baca kisah orang di perantauan. Kadang-kadang timbul rasa cemburu juga.
Seronoknya dapat berjalan ke tempat orang.
wah... bestnyer, tgk cerita disana... teringin pn ada.. bangga pn ada, anak melayu semakin berjaya... sum dh lama follow blog aida nie... aida nie mcm inspirasi sum nk further kt sna... suka tgk korang bahagia..
kalo free, www.facebook.com/kusumaadnan...
salam perkenalan...
aida, ernie mengigau alhambra..hehe, kitorang gathering smalam kat umah fizah..then ernie n faie came to my house, chatting, gossiping, becerita pasl trip alhambra ko n pulau mauritius paie..2.5hr flight je eh dr london..not so far away la maknanya kan dr tmpt ko..
p/s: ko balik mesia bila aida? am thinking bes gak dapat lepak london sementara ko tgh ada sana..hehe ;p
am waiting for d next entry...
dah la adam n mia ni tomei2...
aida, have fun!
u know what my heart is saying, aida!
ok comel Mia dah boleh berjalan betul. happy bithday princess =)
I think I should feel envy reading all these nice entries tentang your family and your talent in the homemaking department.
But Alhamdulillah takde perasan tu. In fact, each and everytime baca entry2 ni, rasa amat bersyukur being blessed with little family of my own. Dan rasa inspired (by you) to appreciate my husband more.
Thank you so much...
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