Here it is! Phew, like a weight lifted off my shoulder when I finished this dress. Wouldn't she look just so lovely in this sweet dress?

I chose a random fabric I found at Liberty which of course turned out to be by Tanya Whelan. Who else would design such beautiful elegant patterns? (well Cath Kidston would actually, but hers comes in cotton canvas, perfect for home decorations, not for a Princess dress)

The ribbon is a vintage ribbon found at Portobello market, and the only one I have on-hand that is long enough for this project. Turns out to be a rather sweet combination...

aaah loving all the gathers...now if only this dress comes in adult sizes....(although, if it does, it may not look
quite as cute on me as it does on Mia i'll bet ;) )
Liberty!!!!... love the place. Tak sure Laura Ashley dekat Oxford Circus near to Liberty tu masih ada kat situ. Tapi dulu bila winter sales, ada jual dress fabric (drp summer season) and at very2 low price. Ada lagi tak?
cute!! kalo ko pnadai buat utk adult akupun nak tempah satu. buat posing2 berangan princess kat umah ;p
kak aida..1st time nak komen macam malu pulak..hehe..dari dulu baca sampai sekarang tak pernah jemu tengok hasil tangan kak aida..
rasa macam nak buat entry khas "i adore kak aida" ..hehe
nak nya belajar jahit..kak aida pergi kelas ke memang mak ajar?
btw ur hubby senior hubby saya..hehe..and mia's birthday sama ngan saya!
this dress is so sweet..the color is so feminine as it's in pink. but to me the dress before is just as brilliant! the color was more livelier :) in my humble opinion la..
this dress is so sweet..the color is so feminine as it's in pink. but to me the dress before is just as brilliant! the color was more livelier :) in my humble opinion la..
Lovely!!! love both dresses!
Subhanallah...you're such an inspiration! May Allah bless you and your family for inspiring me to be like you...
i like the belt!
I don't think so..sbb tak pernah pulak i jumpa laura ashley kat situ...
nanti aku try buat..hehe..
tak gi class...tgk kat internet and just wing it from there. tak susah pun..oh, and happy birthday next week!
you're right, now that i looked at it, the first dress is pretty festive too. the fabric I bought in msia actually...rm12 per meter! cantik kan...
oh dear...you're too sweet..thank you for the prayer..
cantik kan...lacy..i hope mia tak koyak2 kan though..hehe..
Aaaa... So niceee.. I need a momentum to start sewing again.. Kerja mengemas rumah baru tak habis2x.. Happy birthday to you and Mia as well.
Hi there,
The dress is totally gorgeous. Love the vintage blue ribbon. I'm really excited you found my fabric at Liberty!! one of my favorite stores. Happy Birthday to Mia!
yes the momentum is the key. kalau dah lama tak sew mmg susah nak start balik...
Tanya Whelan,
Really???Tanya Whelan commented on my blog?? I am such a fan!! thank you for visiting! I think your fabric collections are gorgeous!! especially Delilah and your first two Ava Rose and Barefoot Roses, though it is now impossible to get them....
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