oh has it been 2 weeks already since sheffield trip? wow time is passing by so quickly. i won't bore u with too much details of cerita basi in sheffield..just some pics..

hubby at his old house

my old house - did you notice we both lived at house no 15?
we basically just went walking around seeing all the nostalgic places. familiar streets, the uni, our departments, city centre..

our favourite restaurant
adam took to Linda so quickly. within a few hours he's already bullying her into holding him and taking him everywhere he wanted. i'd put their photos in here but takut nanti diorg terkejut pulak tgk their pics on display..

the have a car so Mus drove us to this HUGE carboot sale. i thought ours was big...but this one was just endless..it's in the middle of a farm area in the country side..

we went to this park in the city centre. it was such a beautiful sunny day, it think there were about 3-4 weddings that day in the church next to it. the brides and grooms took pictures in the park..children running everywhere..can you guess what happened?

this! he got soaking wet! i took off his shoes and socks to let him play but had to leave his jacket on cos it was still a bit chilly. good thing i brought spare clothes with me. in the summer it would be even better here because it'll be warm and perfect for running around with no clothes on at the fountain. i hope we'll be back here again in summer..
we left with him kicking and screaming :)
last Sunday Mus and Linda payed us a return visit for 3 days. Adam was down with cough but he was happy linda was around. when they went back, he cried and cried and kept searching our guest room for her..ohh...
aida..I waited your update about this trip, hehe..sentimental gak adam as a little fellow kan..hehe.
The restaurant dah tutup! replace by another restaurant now :(
The restaurant dah tutup! replace by another restaurant now :(
Bestnye..sure teringat kisah2 lame kan? huhu..sian adam, i think he miss his mak su kot!
wah.. our kitchen window! masih lg ada sticker kotak2 tu.. i miss sheffield.. best giler la ko aida dpt pulang ke kampung laman
ee rindu nya sheffield..esp meadowhall, primark, tj hughes, kebabish etc..hehe sume ada lgi x..:D bestnya aida dpt bwk adam pg sana...take care!
adam is having a great time.
i guess you pun..
seronok tgk adam di depan mata.
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