Little Venice is located about 10 mins walk from from our house. In spring, this place is just lovely..

Here it is - isn;t it gorgeous? it's where the canals meet. there are a lot of boathouses mooring around..and it's also home to many noisy ducks. Adam loves them..

this is the park where we go when it's sunny. it's just on the bank of little venice. you can see the canal just at the background..

this week we found out about the boat rides. seems that they go to London Zoo from here on boats..i'm looking forward to take Adam there.
we're so lucky to live here alhamdulillah..any readers living in london?don't forget to visit this lovely area're welcomed for tea at my house :)
cantekknyeeee tmpt ni aida! hehe..err, can i drop by for tea too if i come to london? ;p
yes,nak tgk adam pegi london zoo pula.. :P
update ok.. aku ni dah mcm stalker ko aida..haha
owh..nice place..bilerlah dapat g London ni??
mrs N,
yes, pls do!
yes! will update soon..
jom la dtg...
lawanya this place... isk... dlm mimpi je la i leh p situ...
mei tai yg u pakai tu yg u beli kat bootcar sale hari tu ke?
-mama emma-
I couldn't work my Chococabana OMT with Ari lah..
It just doesn't work (yet..).
I even feel uncomfortable sometimes wering in the OMT.
Wrapping seems much easier..
Do you ever feel any discomfort wearing that Ulli MT?
I rasa I tak pandai pakai MT lagi lah..
wow..kalo summer bleh swim tak kat little venice ni?nice kalo bleh terjun..naked..heh
yes..thats the mei tai i bought at the carboot..
what's chococabana? no the ulli omt is always comfortable, even when i tie it really cincai. but then again i'm used to using MTs. maybe u just need practise?
taktau la ek...tunggu summer tgk ade tak org skindipping..hehe
thanx for correcting my english.. hehe.. agak2 kalau ada lg mei tai kat carboot sale tu, leh mintak u belikan x? hehe..
-mama emma-
aidaaaaaaaaa!!! canteknya gambar.
ni guna lens apa nih?
oh no sorry, i didn't even noticed you wrote 'bootcar' i automatically read it as 'carboot'!
mrs noba,
alamak..sorry i don't know husband yg dok tangkap..hehe..
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