hehe..no, not nearly as exciting as that..
we went to Cambridge! It's so beautiful there! rase mcm walking around inside a magical painting...
Cambridge is popular for Punting - like a sampan, moved by using a long pole pushing the bottom of the river..

mmg cantiklah Cambridge..sape yg lucky enough to be able to apply to Cambridge, pegilah...best giler all the colleges we went to..semua lawa2 giler..old historical buildings, wonderful traditions..
rase nak dtg lagi sini..dekat je..sejam naik train..
Adam, nak study kat Cambridge tak nanti?
sweet jek last sentences ko tuh..if he could read it now..
aku pulak yg sentimental..haha..cantik2!
dot, betul2 mcm hogwarts! huhu.. cantikla..mcm castle. aku nak jugakla melawat cambridge ni, mane tau in another 18 years akan dtg lagi ke sana hantar anak ke.. takpun melawat dadam ke.. ;p
ur wrap looks lovelier worn than the earlier photo u took of it on the floor =D
alamak sentimental ke...hehe...
ala jgnla 18 years..dtgla uk cpt2 dgn mumu n baby..hehe...
yes it is lovelier when worn :) tq!
aida, aku pon rase nak melawat adam !
seriously, great pics here! Btw, the Storch OMT tu nampak cozy giler.. huhu..
Anyway, Im due on 27may, insyaAllah. If u think about selling ur mei tai again, inform aa.. huhu.. :)
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