To my husband, my soulmate, my bestfriend, the father to my son, the love of my life;
You're the best thing that ever happened to me..I don't know what I've done right to deserve you, I am forever grateful..I wish you all the best things in life and the hereafter..
Love you so much bang..
hehe.. happy birthday! :)
Mr hubby saya punya birthday pun just around the corner! :)
happy bday!..wah sama bday baby muiz la nih
thank you!
taufik says thank you..cop, sape baby muiz??mesun dah salin ke??
happy besday taufiq!
Fiq, Happy birthday! :)
Birthday sama
baby Muiz (Mesun) = Taufiq
baby Hannah (Faie) = Badiuz
yes the same day as ur hubby..baru lawat mesun and baby tadi..i'll upload the pic then
big happy family!
Birthday sama *updated
baby Muiz (Mesun) = Taufiq
baby Hannah (Faie) = Badiuz
baby Ernie = Muzri
happy birthday . u baked the cake?
thank you Fedy, Ernie, badiuz!
badiuz n ernie, thank you bgtau pasal baby muiz..taktaulak mesun dah bersalin...
i made the cake, but didn't bake it. it's an ice cream cake ;)
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